Page last reviewed: 28 June 2022

Crewe Cycling and Pedestrian Connectivity Schemes

Public engagement exercise

Cheshire East Council has ambitions to improve pedestrian and cycle links across Crewe. The aim is to create a sustainable and connected travel network. To help achieve these ambitions, several different schemes are being brought forward. Between Friday 29 April and Friday 10 June, we invited feedback on two of these schemes: 

Nantwich Road Bridge Enhancement Scheme

The proposed scheme will create more space parallel to the existing road bridge, specifically for use by pedestrians and cyclists, alongside other public realm improvements. It would encourage active travel to and from the station and make it easier for people to find their way to and from the town centre. The scheme will also include improved facilities for bus passengers and bus priority measures, recognising that the railway station is a key location for interchange with local bus services. It will prepare the town and railway station for the arrival of HS2 to Crewe by 2033.

Southern Gateway Pedestrian and Cycleway Connectivity Scheme (PCCS)

The proposed scheme will create a new gateway entrance to the south of Crewe town centre via a new pedestrian and cycleway linking High Street and Forge Street. The scheme will also link to the roundabout connecting High Street, Mill Street, Oak Street (A5078) and Vernon Way (A5019), making it more cyclist and pedestrian friendly. A series of public realm improvements are also planned.

As part of this exercise, we are also presenting how the schemes fit into the emerging vision for the Mill Street corridor, which will link the two together. At the moment, we’re reviewing the very high level options for this corridor. You can find out more information about the Mill Street corridor within the dedicated scheme brochures.

Your feedback

To allow local people, businesses and other stakeholders to find out more about these schemes we held two public information events:

  • Crewe Lifestyle Centre on Tuesday 17 May 2022 between 2:00pm and 7:00pm; and
  • Crewe Railway Station on Thursday 19 May 2022 between 2:00pm and 7:00pm.

We invited feedback on both schemes between Friday 29 April and Friday 10 June 2022. This was an opportunity to understand what local people, businesses, and other stakeholders though about the schemes, how we might improve them, and any concerns you may have about them.

Next Steps

Your feedback will help inform the final designs ahead of the submission of a planning application for each scheme. We are now in the process of reviewing the feedback collected and a written summary of this feedback will be published on this web page for each scheme in due course.

We are aiming to submit a planning application for the Southern Gateway PCCS in summer 2022 and Nantwich Road Bridge Enhancement Scheme in autumn 2022. Should both schemes be successful construction of the Southern Gateway PCCS would start in 2023/2024, with the Nantwich Road Bridge Enhancement Scheme potentially starting in 2025, subject to funding.

Contact us 

If you have any queries about this engagement exercise, or if you would like to receive additional information or the materials in an alternative format, please contact us by emailing or by telephoning 0300 123 50 20.

Page last reviewed: 28 June 2022