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The following checkboxes are used for accordion drop-downs. When selected, they show content that was visually hidden
Browning Street, CW1 3BB (Free)
Map location for Browning Street Car Park
Stay duration Browning Street for Browning Street car park
Long stay
Charges for Browning Street car park
Number of spaces for Browning Street car park
Disabled spaces for Browning Street car park
Chester Street, CW1 2LB (pay, long stay)
Map location for Chester Street Car Park
Stay duration Chester Street for Chester Street car park
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Chester Street car park
The ticket machines on this car park do not accept cash for Chester Street car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | 2 to 3 Hrs | 3 to 4 Hrs | 4 to 6 Hrs | 6 to 10 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
£1 |
£1.60 |
£2.30 |
£2.70 |
£3.70 |
£4.30 |
£195 |
£620 |
Payment options for Chester Street car park
2 pay and display ticket machines on site - cashless payments only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Chester Street car park
Disabled spaces for Chester Street car park
Civic Centre/Library (underground car park), CW1 2DQ (pay, short stay)
This car park is currently closed.
Cotterill Street East, CW2 6AL (pay, short stay)
Map location for Cotterill Street East Car Park
Stay duration Cotterill Street East for Cotterill Street East car park
Short stay - 2 hours max
Charges for Cotterill Street East car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash for Cotterill Street East car park
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
£0.30 |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£163 |
£490 |
Payment options for Cotterill Street East car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payments only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Cotterill Street East car park
Disabled spaces for Cotterill Street East car park
Cotterill Street West, CW2 6AL
Map location for Cotterill Street West Car Park
Stay duration Cotterill Street West for Cotterill Street West car park
Short stay
Charges for Cotterill Street West car park
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs |
£0.30 |
£0.60 |
£1 |
Payment options
Please use ticket machine located on Cotterill Street East car park
Number of spaces for Cotterill Street West car park
Disabled spaces for Cotterill Street West car park
Motorcycle bays for Cotterill Street West car park
Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey, CW
Map location for Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey Car Park
Operation hours: 7am – midnight
Charging hours: 7am – midnight
Open Monday to Saturday: 7am – midnight
Height barrier: 2.15 metres
Overnight parking is not permitted on this car park. Any vehicle left overnight will not be recoverable until the next working day and a Penalty Charge Notice may be incurred.
How to use the blue badge scanner on the MSCP :
- On entering the carpark, please take a ticket at the barrier. You will need to retain this white ticket to regain entry onto the carpark.
- Park in a bay with your blue badge clearly displayed on the dashboard.
- The white ticket allows re-entry through the doors to the car park.
- Before leaving, go to the payment machine with both the white ticket and blue badge. Insert the white ticket into the slot below the screen and then scan the barcode on the back of the blue badge where indicated. The white ticket will then be returned to you
- Use the white ticket at the barrier to exit the car park.
Alternatively, the above action can be carried out at the exit barrier itself.
Stay duration at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Long stay - 17 hours max
Charges at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Peak Tariff (7am to 2.59pm)
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0-1 Hr | 1-2 Hrs | 2-3 Hrs | 3-4 Hrs | 4-6 Hrs | 6-17 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
50p |
£1 |
£1.60 |
£2.30 |
£3.30 |
£4.40 |
£5.20 |
£195 |
£620 |
Off Peak Tariff (3pm to midnight)
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0-1 Hr | 1-2 Hrs | 2-3 Hrs | 3-4 Hrs | 4-6 Hrs | 6-17 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
30p |
60p |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Payment options at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
3 pay on exit machines on site
Total number of spaces at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Disabled spaces at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
EV charging spaces at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Disabled EV charging spaces at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Parent/Carer spaces at Crewe Town Centre Multi-Storey
Delamere Street, CW1 2JZ (pay, short stay)
Map location for Delamere Street Car Park
Stay duration Delamere Street for Delamere Street car park
Short stay - 2 hours max
Charges for Delamere Street car park
The ticket machines on this car park do not accept cash
for Delamere Street car park
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours |
£0.50 |
£1 |
£1.60 |
Payment options for Delamere Street car park
2 pay and display ticket machines on site - cashless payments only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces
Disabled spaces for Delamere Street car park
Motorcycle spaces
for Delamere
Edleston Road, CW2 7HT (pay, long stay)
Map location for Edleston Road Car Park
Stay duration Edleston Road for Edleston Road car park
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Edleston Road car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash for Edleston Road car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours | 2 to 3 Hours | 3 to 4 Hours | 4 to 6 Hours | 6 to 10 Hours | Quater | Annual |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Find out more about contract parking permits.
Payment options for Edleston Road car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Edleston Road car park
Disabled spaces for Edleston Road car park
Edward Street, CW2 6HQ (Free)
Map location for Edward Street Car Park
Stay duration Edward Street for Edward Street car park
Short stay - 3 hours max
Charges for Edward Street car park
Number of spaces for Edward Street car park
Disabled spaces for Edward Street car park
Gatefield Street, CW1 2JP (pay, long stay)
Map location for Gatefield Street Car Park
Stay duration Gatefield Street for Gatefield Street car park
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Gatefield Street car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash
for Gatefield Street car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | 2 to 3 Hrs | 3 to 4 Hrs | 4 to 6 Hrs | 6 to 10 Hrs | Quarter | Year |
£1 |
£1.60 |
£2.30 |
£2.70 |
£3.70 |
£4.30 |
£195 |
£620 |
Find out more about contract parking permitsfor Gatefield Street car park.
Payment options for Gatefield Street car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Gatefield Street car park
Disabled spaces for Gatefield Street car park
Holly Bank, CW1 2JB (pay, short stay)
Map location for Holly Bank Car Park
Stay duration Holly Bank for Holly Bank car park
Short stay - 2 hours max
Charges for Holly Bank car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash for Holly Bank car park
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
£0.50 |
£1 |
£1.60 |
£228 |
£750 |
Find out more about contract parking permits
Payment options for Holly Bank car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Holly Bank car park
Disabled spaces for Holly Bank car park
Motorcycle bays for Holly Bank car park
Hope Street, CW2 7DR (pay, long stay)
Map location for Hope Street Car Park
Stay duration Hope Street for Hope Street car park
Long stay - 4 hours max
Charges for Hope Street car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash for Hope Street car park
Car Park Details for Hope Street car park
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | 2 to 3 Hrs | 3 to 4 Hrs |
£0.30 |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
Payment options for Hope Street car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Hope Street car park
Disabled spaces for Hope Street car park
Motorcycle bays for Hope Street car park
Lord Street, CW2 7DR (Free)
Map location for Lord Street Car Park
Stay duration Lord Street for Lord Street car park
Long stay
Charges for Lord Street car park
Number of spaces for Lord Street car park
Disabled spaces for Lord Street car park
Market Square, CW1 2EA (Disabled Parking only)
Map location for Market Square Car Park
Disabled parking only
Number of spaces for Market Street car park
Disabled spaces for Market Street car park
Pedley Street, CW2 7AA (pay, long stay)
Map location for Pedley Street Car Park
Stay duration for Pedley Street car park
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Pedley Street car park
The ticket machines on this car park do not accept cash for Pedley Street car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hrs | 2 to 10 Hrs | Quarter | Annual |
£0.80 |
£1.40 |
£7.50 |
£310 |
£1080 |
Payment options for Pedley Street car park
2 pay and display ticket machines on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Pedley Street car park
Disabled spaces for Pedley Street car park
Motorcycle bays for Pedley Street car park
Railway Street, CW2 7AD (pay, long stay)
This car park is closed as from 08/01/25 until further notice.
Map location for Railway Street Car Park
Stay duration Railway Street
Long stay - 5 days max
Charges for Railway street
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash
- 1 day £7.50
- 2 days £15
- 3 days £22.50
- 4 days £30
- 5 days £37.50
You can purchase a ticket for up to 5 days using cash, debit card, credit card or Park with Pay with RingGo.
Payment options for Railway Street car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
for Railway Street car park
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Railway Street car park
Disabled spaces for Railway Street car park
South Street, CW2 6HL (Free)
Map location for South Street Car Park
Free to park
Number of spaces for South Street car park
Disabled spaces for South Street car park
Height Restriction for South Street car park
2 metres
Map location for Thomas Street Car Park
Stay duration
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Thomas Street
The ticket machines on this car park do not accept cash
Car park details
0-1 hrs | 1-2 hrs | 2-3 hrs | 3-4 hrs | 4-6 hrs | 6-10 hrs | Quarter | Annual |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Please note: Parking on Thomas Street is free after 3.00pm
Payment options
2 pay and display ticket machines on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Thomas Street car park
Disabled spaces for Thomas Street car park
Union Street, CW2 7DJ(free)
Map location for Union Street Car Park
Free to park
Stay duration Union Street
long stay free
Number of spaces for Union Street car park
Disabled spaces for Union Street car park
Victoria Centre, CW1 2PT (pay, short stay)
Map location for Victoria Centre Car Park
Stay duration Victoria Centre for Victoria Centre car park
Short stay - 5 hours max
Charges for Victoria Centre car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours | 2 to 3 Hours | 3 to 4 Hours | 4 to 5 Hours |
£1 |
£1.60 |
£2.30 |
£3.30 |
£4.40 |
Payment options for Victoria Centre car park
7 pay and display ticket machines on site
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Victoria Centre car park
Disabled spaces for Victoria Centre car park
Motorcycle bays for Victoria Centre car park
Wellington Square, CW1 2JB (pay, short stay, RingGo payments only)
Map location for Wellington Square Car Park
Stay duration Wellington Square
2 hour maximum stay
Charges for Wellington Square car park
Car Park Details
Up to 30 mins | 0 to 1 Hours | 1 to 2 Hours |
£0.50 |
£1 |
£1.60 |
Payment options for Wellington Square car park
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Wellington Square car park
Disabled spaces for Wellington Square car park
West Street, CW1 3HF (free)
Map location for West Street Car Park
Free to park
Stay duration West Street
long stay free
Number of spaces for West Street car park
Disabled spaces for West Street car park
Wood Street East, CW2 6HH
Map location for Wood Street East Car Park
Stay duration Wood Street East for Wood Street East car park
Short stay
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Wood Street East car park
The ticket machine on this car park do not accept cash for Wood Street East car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours | 2 to 3 Hours | 3 to 4 Hours | 4 to 6 Hours | 6 to 10 Hours | Quarter | Annual |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Find out more about contract parking permitsfor Wood Street East car park.
Payment options for Wood Street East car park
1 pay and display ticket machine on site - cashless payment only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Wood Street East car park
Disabled spaces for Wood Street East car park
Motorcycle bays for Wood Street East car park
Wood Street, CW2 6HH
Map location for Wood Street Car Park
Stay duration Wood Street
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Wood Street West car park
Car park details
for Wood Street West car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours | 2 to 3 Hours | 3 to 4 Hours | 4 to 6 Hours | 6 to 10 Hours | Quarter | Annual |
£0.60 |
£1.00 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3.00 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Find out more about contract parking permitsfor Wood Street West car park.
Payment options for Wood Street West car park
Please use ticket machine located on Wood Street East car park
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Wood Street car park
Disabled spaces for Wood Street car park
Motorcycle bays for Wood Street East car park
Wrexham Terrace, CW1 2ND (pay, long stay)
Map location for Wrexham Terrace Car Park
Stay duration for Wrexham Terrace car park
Long stay - 10 hours max
Charges for Wrexham Terrace car park
The ticket machines on this car park do not accept cash for Wrexham Terrace car park
Car Park Details
0 to 1 Hour | 1 to 2 Hours | 2 to 3 Hours | 3 to 4 Hours | 4 to 6 Hours | 6 to 10 Hours | Quarter | Annual |
£0.60 |
£1 |
£1.50 |
£2.10 |
£3 |
£3.40 |
£163 |
£490 |
Find out more about contract parking permitsfor Wrexham Terrace car park.
Payment options for Wrexham Terrace car park
2 pay and display ticket machines on site - cashless payments only
Park with Pay with RingGo
Number of spaces for Wrexham Terrace car park
Disabled spaces for Wrexham Terrace car park
Motorcycle bays for Wrexham Terrace car park
Height Restriction for Wrexham Terrace car park
2 metres
*Postcodes are provided as an indication of location only.
Long stay parking for 5 days is also available on Railway Street car park. Purchase up to a 5-day ticket, by either using cash or a credit/ debit card at the machine, or by using the Park with Pay with RingGo option.