Council Tax Support (Council Tax Reduction)

Council Tax Support (CTS) gives you a reduction on your Council Tax bill if you are on a low income. You will get a revised Council Tax bill with a reduced balance rather than getting the benefit in cash.

CTS is sometimes called Council Tax Reduction. Different councils can have different schemes compared to that in Cheshire East.

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Who can claim Council Tax Support

You can claim Council Tax Support (CTS) whether you work or not, if all the following apply:

  • you live in the property
  • you are liable for Council Tax (whether you own or rent)
  • you are on a low income
  • you have less than £6,000 in savings if you are of working age, or less than £16,000 if you are Pension Credit age, unless, you get Guarantee Pension Credit, when you might be able to claim even if your savings are higher.
    You can check your Pension Credit age at GOV.UK.
  • you are not a sponsored immigrant getting financial support from a UK resident
  • you are not an EU or Swiss national who arrived to live in the UK after 31.12.2020 and has been granted pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)


Only one person in a couple can claim Council Tax Support.

Joint tenants

You can claim Council Tax Support for help towards your share of the Council Tax if you live with other people as a joint tenant. You can claim even if the other people are not on a low income.

How to apply for Council Tax Support

We find that most people check if they are entitled to any help before they actually apply for Council Tax Support. For more information about this see GOV.UK calculators.

To apply for Council Tax Support see claiming benefits online. You can claim Housing Benefit on the same form at the same time.

What happens after you apply

We normally make decisions within 10 working days of getting all the information we need.

If your claim is successful, you will get a new Council Tax bill showing the lower payments. You will be able to see the new bill as soon as we issue it if you have an online account – you can register for an online account now if you haven’t done so already.  We will post the bill if you don’t have an online account.

We will apply the reduction to your bill from the Monday after we get the form, unless we agree to backdate the claim. If you pay your Council Tax by direct debit, we will take the new amount automatically after giving you 14 days notice of what the new instalment payment will be.

If your claim is unsuccessful, we will either send you a letter or phone you to explain.

You must tell us about any changes that might affect your claim.

There is a process you can follow if you disagree with our decision.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team

If someone is helping you with your Council Tax Support claim

If someone is helping with your claim and you want us to share information with them, you need to let us know you are happy for us to do so. See  authority to discuss.

Where people are unable to manage their own financial affairs, an  appointee can handle their benefits claims for them.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team

Foreign nationals or returning UK nationals

Foreign nationals and UK nationals returning to the UK after living in another country may need to give us extra information so we can check eligibility for Council Tax Support.

European Economic Area nationals

If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, living in the UK, you and your family should have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme. Getting a Settled Status under the scheme, or if, you have Indefinite Leave to enter and remain will mean you will be eligible to apply for Council Tax Support.

If you arrived in the UK before 31.12.2020 and have Pre-settled status under the scheme you may be eligible to apply for Council Tax Support, if you are exercising a qualifying right to reside under EU legislation, for example, as worker or self-employed person, or if you are deriving residency rights from a family member. We may need you to fill in a person from abroad (PFA) formhabitual residency form or both. You can send us these when you apply to avoid delay, or you can wait to find out if we need them.  You can attach the documents to our forms.

If you arrived in the UK after 31.12.2020 and have Pre-settled status under the scheme you are not eligible to apply for Council Tax Support.

If you are eligible to apply for Council Tax Support any award will be dependent upon your age, total household income, capital and on your Council Tax liability used in the calculation. 

Returning UK and Irish nationals

If you are a UK or Irish national returning to the UK after living in another country, we might ask you to fill in a habitual residency form. You can send us this when you apply to avoid delay, or you can wait to find out if we need it.

You can attach the documents to our forms.

People from the rest of the world

If you are not a UK, Irish or EEA national, we need to see documents from the UK Visas and Immigration Agency, the UK Border Agency or the Home Office showing us how you are able to live and work in the UK. We will need this before we can consider a claim for Council Tax Support.

You can attach the documents to our form.

You cannot claim Council Tax Support if you are a sponsored immigrant.

How much Council Tax Support you might get

The amount of Council Tax Support you can get depends on your age, income and circumstances.

The maximum amount you can get is based on your net council tax liability. Net Council Tax liability is the amount due after taking off any other Council Tax reductions you get. 

Maximum and minimum amounts of Council Tax Support for people of working age

Everyone of working age is responsible to pay at least 20% of their annual Council Tax unless you are in receipt of:

  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers (income based)
  • or Employment Support Allowance (income related)

The maximum will also be capped to a Band D property in your area, if you live in a higher banded property. Anyone of working age with capital of £6,000 and over will not qualify. The minimum award is £2 per week.  If you qualify for less than this you will not receive any support.

For further information about how Council Tax Support is calculated for working age people see the information on how we work out Council Tax Support for a working age customer.

For full details of our Council Tax Support policy for working age customers, for 2025-26 see Cheshire East Council Tax Support Scheme (PDF, 549KB)

Maximum and minimum amounts of Council Tax Support for people of pension credit age

People of Pension Credit age can get Council Tax Support up to a maximum of 100% of their net liability. The minimum amount is 1p a week.

For further information about how Council Tax Support is calculated for pensionable age people see the information on how we work out Council Tax Support for a pensionable age customer.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team


Backdating Council Tax Support claims

The arrangements for backdating Council Tax Support claims are different for working age people and people of Pension Credit age.

Backdating Council Tax Support for working age people

Council Tax Support can be backdated for working age people for up to one year from the date we get a written request to backdate, where there is a good reason for not claiming earlier. You will need to tell us why you have been unable to make a claim earlier. You can do this when you fill in the Council Tax Support application form or if you require any further information – contact the benefits team.

Backdating Council Tax Support for people of pension credit age

If you are Pension Credit age, we will automatically look at your circumstances for the 3 months before the date you apply for Council Tax Support. We will then backdate your claim for up to 3 months if you meet the qualifying criteria. This is called ‘take up’.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team

Council Tax Support and temporary absence

In some situations, you can keep claiming Council Tax Support if you have to live away from home for a while. See temporary absence.

Other ways to pay less Council Tax

There are a range of Council Tax reductions for people in particular circumstances. See  Council Tax reductions for occupied propertiesCouncil Tax reductions for empty properties and Council Tax reductions in special circumstances (Section13A).

If you are of Pension Credit age and live with someone on a low income who is not your partner, you might be able to get 2nd Adult Rebate. You can’t get both  Second Adult Rebate and Council Tax Support. When you apply, we will work out which benefit will give you the biggest reduction.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team

Pay lower instalments

You can also choose to pay your Council Tax over 12 instalments rather than 10, so each payment is smaller. To ask for this, contact the Council Tax team

Contact Council Tax

Council Tax enquiry form

If you're unable to use our forms or have any questions about your bill you can call the Council Tax Customer Service Team on 0300 123 5013 during normal office hours, 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Page last reviewed: 06 March 2025