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Countryside Ranger Service - Cheshire East Council
Contact Ranger service
For Middlewood Way, Jacksons’ Brickworks, Poynton Coppice and Poynton Park: phone 01625 383700
For Tegg’s Nose Country Park: phone 01625 374833
For Lindow Common or Macclesfield Riverside Park: phone 01625 374790
For Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve, Dane-In-Shaw Pasture SSSI, Croxton Park, Biddulph Valley Way, Timbersbrook Picnic Area, Salt Line, Borrow Pit Meadows and Rode Heath Rise: phone 01477 534115
For Astbury Mere Country Park, Merelake Way and Wheelock Rail Trail: phone 01260 297237
For Gritstone Trail: phone 01270 686029
Event booking privacy notice
What personal information is being processed and what for
If you book onto one of our events via Eventbrite, we process the following information – name, contact details, how you found out about the event and event specific information such as your age, dietary requirements, information for Father Christmas event etc. We use a subset of this information (Name, booking status) as part of the check-in process when you attend an event.
Following an event we will use your email address information to contact you asking for feedback on the event you attended and inform you about our monthly email newsletter, you will not receive any further emails.
Why we are allowed to use your information
By choosing to book onto one of our events you will have given us your consent to process this information in order to deliver our event to you.
Who we will share your information with
The personal information you provide as part of the event booking will be shared with Eventbrite, who are our event booking technology provider. A limited subset (Name, booking status) of your data may be provided to an event partner who is running the event you are booked onto.
Where we get your information from
You provide this information to us when you sign up to one of our events using the Eventbrite website.
How long we will keep your personal information
Eventbrite store your information for as long as you are registered as a user on Eventbrite. You can close your Eventbrite account by contacting them. We retain printed or emailed copies of event check in information for no longer than one month following the event. Order confirmation emails are stored for no more than one calendar year by the Ranger Service.
How your information is stored
The information is held within Eventbrite’s systems. Order confirmation emails are received by the Ranger Service when you book onto one of our events and are stored on our email system which is accessible to only authorised users.
What happens if you don't provide us with your information
If you do not provide us with your information then you will be unable to book onto one of our events and thus will be unable to attend the event.
Will your information be used to make automated decisions
Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Service will not make automated decisions based on your data.
Will this information be transferred abroad
Eventbrite adhere to the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the European Commission and the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of personal data from European Union member countries. Eventbrite, Inc. has certified that it adheres to and will abide by the Privacy Shield Principles of Notice, Choice, Accountability for Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation, Access, and Recourse, Enforcement, and Liability. For more information please see the Eventbrite Privacy Policy on their website and the Eventbrite EU-US Privacy Shield Notice on their website.
Your rights
You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it. You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong. For detailed information about your rights please see the Cheshire East Council privacy notice.
Page last reviewed: 13 October 2022
Thank you for your feedback.