Policy CO 4: Travel Plans and Transport Assessments

All major development proposals that are likely to generate significant additional journeys will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment and, where appropriate, a Travel Plan which will address the following requirements:

  1. The Transport Assessment will need to demonstrate that the capacity and efficiency of the highway network will not be severely affected as a result of the development. This should be undertaken in accordance with the latest Cheshire East Council guidance;
  2. The Transport Assessment and associated Travel Plan should demonstrate how the proposed development will link into and enhance existing walking, cycling or public transport infrastructure;
  3. The Travel Plan will need to propose measures that will mitigate the impact of increased trips generated on the highway network;
  4. The Travel Plan should propose measures to facilitate and encourage the use of sustainable travel alternatives (such as walking, cycling or public transport use), whilst discouraging single occupancy vehicle travel and parking; and
  5. Major developments will be required to monitor the effectiveness of the travel plan and the traffic generated by that development and share data with the Local Authority.


14.31 The National Planning Policy Framework states that 'all developments that generate significant amounts of movement should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment'.

14.32 Proposals for developments that are likely to have a significant transport impact will be required to include a Transport Assessment and / or associated Travel Plan. This provides the opportunity to assess traffic generation, identify measures to reduce traffic congestion and improve accessibility by facilitating and encouraging sustainable modes of transport (walking, cycling, public transport use and car sharing).

14.33 A Travel Plan is essentially an action plan designed to help organisations implement measures to reduce the need for travel and to facilitate and encourage the remainder to travel more sustainably. It should help to reduce local traffic congestion, car parking problems and help to promote healthy lifestyles, economic growth and environmental improvements.

14.34 For any new development, it is important to encourage sustainable travel options from day one of occupation before car-based travel habits become established. Travel Plans can be origin-based (Residential Travel Plans) or destination-based (Workplace / Business Travel Plans).

14.35 Travel Plans can help overcome concerns about new development by finding new ways of addressing travel needs and demonstrating how to influence travel choices. They also offer numerous benefits to developers, businesses, employers, employees, residents and the local community. Further information on the purpose and benefits of Travel Plans and advice on how to prepare a Travel Plan is provided in the Cheshire East Travel Planning Guidance Note.

14.36 Where there are major development proposals close to the council’s boundary, the council will ensure that the cross border impacts are considered as part of the Transport Assessment and liaise with the neighbouring transport authority.

Key Evidence

  1. Cheshire East Local Transport Plan 2011-2026
  2. Cheshire East Local Transport Plan - Implementation Plan 2011-15
  3. Cheshire East Travel Planning Guidance Note.

Policy information


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