How we work out Council Tax Support if you are working age

What we take into account for a working age customer

A working age claim is if you are single or if you are part of a couple and you are under the qualifying age for state pension credit. You can find out if you are pensionable age by checking on GOV.UK. If you are a mixed age couple, one of you is pensionable age and one of you is working age and in receipt of one of the following; Universal Credit, Income Support, Job Seekers (Income based) or Employment Support Allowance (Income related), you will be treated as working age for the purposes of Council Tax Support.

The amount of Council Tax Support you might get depends on your financial circumstances, your age, who lives with you and where you live. 

We base the amount of Council Tax Support we can give on the net Council Tax liability.  Your net Council Tax liability is the amount on your bill after any other discounts/disregards have been applied.

The maximum amount of Council Tax Support has changed from 1 April 2022 and everyone of working age will be responsible for at least 20% of their annual Council Tax unless you receive Income Support, Job Seekers (income based) or Employment Support Allowance (income related).  The maximum will also be capped to a Council Tax Band D property in your area, if you live in a higher banded property. Anyone of working age with capital of £6,000 and over will not qualify. 

When we work out Council Tax Support claims, we start by looking at your total household income.

How to work out your earnings

Use the gross pay and take off any tax, national insurance and half of any pension contributions.  Using the weekly figure take off £20 if you are single/ a couple without children, or take off £25 if you are a lone parent/a couple with children or you are disabled, a carer or an auxiliary fire-fighter. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit and working we use the earned income figure calculated in your Universal Credit award.

Child Care Costs

If you work full time and have to pay for child care with a registered provider we disregard up to £175 per week for 1 child and £300 per week for 2 or more children from your total household income. 

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit and working we use the earned income figure calculated in your Universal Credit award and will disregard the amount paid for child care detailed on your Universal Credit award up to £175 per week for 1 child and £300 per week for 2 or more children from this income.

Other income

Do not include Child Benefit, Maintenance payments received for any children, Carer’s Allowance, Personal Independence Payments, Disability Living Allowance or Industrial Injuries Benefit or Industrial Death Benefit.

Universal Credit (UC)

Use your monthly UC payment and add back any deductions for debts or an advance payment and take off any Housing costs payments. 

Disability income deduction

Take £40 off your weekly income if you, your partner or any dependent child that you are responsible for that live with you at your property are:

  • blind or have recently regained your sight
  • in receipt of disability living allowance, personal independence payment, attendance allowance, war pensioner’s mobility supplement, armed forces independence payments, disability element or severe disability element of working tax credit, severe disablement allowance, incapacity benefit at the long term rate, or at the short term rate for those terminally ill
  • treated as long term sick - (incapable of work) or receiving the limited capability for work related activity element (£416.19 per month) in your Universal Credit award
  • in receipt of an invalid vehicle supplied by the NHS or get payments from DWP for car running costs

Using the total household income you have worked out check the table below to see which band you are in and how much Council Tax Support you may get.

Total weekly income including your partner's
Single personcouplefamily with one childfamily with 2 or more children
(couple or lone parent)
Maximum Council Tax Support
    £0 £115.89    £0 £167.26    £0 £238.95    £0 £346.47 80%
 £115.90 £137.40 £167.27 £203.11 £238.96 £274.79 £346.48 £382.32 60%
£137.41 £167.26 £203.12 £238.95 £274.80 £310.63 £382.33 £418.16 45%
£167.27 £197.14 £238.96 £274.79 £310.64 £346.47 £418.17 £454.00 30%
£197.15 £227.00 £274.80 £310.63 £346.48 £382.32 £454.01 £489.84 15%

You and your partner’s income and savings

You and any partner’s income and savings will affect how much Council Tax Support you can get. To find out more, see income and savings.

Other adults’ income

The income of any other adults in your household apart from your partner might affect how much Council Tax Support you can get. To find out more, see other adults.


The maximum period that claims can be backdated is 1 year from the date of the written request where continuous good reasons for the delay in claiming earlier can be shown.


The minimum award is £2 per week.  If you qualify for less than this you will not receive any support.

Further information, help and support

For details of organisations who can give you advice about money matters and help you apply for benefits, see Live Well applying for welfare benefits.

For an estimate of how much benefit you might get, you can use the entitled to online benefits calculator.

To see how your benefit has been calculated you can register for an online account now if you haven’t done so already.

If you require any further information – contact the benefits team.

Page last reviewed: 06 March 2025