Page last reviewed: 31 August 2022

Cheshire Business Survey 2017

The two Cheshire local authorities, the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and their partners need to target services and public sector investment effectively, help attract private sector investment and help local businesses to grow and prosper.

Cheshire local authorities also need to assess business health and identify any business sectors which have particular growth potential or are in need of specific support. Accurate, comprehensive and up to date information on local businesses’ characteristics, performance, needs and perceptions is therefore essential if the Cheshire local authorities, the LEP and other local partners are to fulfil their remits and address these challenges.

Therefore the LEP and its partners commissioned BMG Research to undertake a new survey of Cheshire businesses.

This survey, the first of its kind in Cheshire since 2011, involved telephone interviews with a representative sample of just over 1,500 private sector businesses (just over 750 from Cheshire East and exactly 750 from Cheshire West and Chester). These interviews were undertaken between January and March 2017.

Three survey reports were produced: one covering the results for Cheshire as a whole; and two sister reports, which focus on the results for each of the two Cheshire local authorities. These reports were finalised in August 2017 and then published and launched at an event in October 2017.

Any queries about the survey reports, analysis of the survey data, or any other aspect of the survey, should be addressed to Nick Billington.

Phone: 01270 685884

Below are the reports, along with the presentation from the launch event:

Cheshire Business Survey 2011

  • results of the previous survey carried out in 2011

Page last reviewed: 31 August 2022