Page last reviewed: 03 May 2024



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People are vital to any business – and to building a knowledge economy as exceptional as ours. Whether you’re recruiting or moving staff here, you’ll find Cheshire East a very attractive proposition.

Our knowledge of the skills sector and the political environment, is second to none. We will help to ensure the right talent and skills are available for the current and future workforce, addressing skills gaps and responding to future challenges and ensuring employer views are heard and acted upon.

The right people, with the right knowledge

The figures alone are impressive.

42% educated to degree-level, 40,000+ in professional and technical roles and around 4,800 in computer programming – 40% higher than the national average. Plus, there’s a steady stream of new talent, with 33,000 graduates leaving the 7 nearby universities each year (including the University of Manchester, with its particular strengths in Sciences).

Our people and their skills are an asset for any business. We have a higher proportion of highly-skilled managers, directors and senior roles combined with a growing population. We also have a lower population density than the North West average - so there’s plenty of room to grow.



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Location: South Cheshire College, Crewe

Page last reviewed: 03 May 2024