Register for Business Rates or tell us about changes
You must tell us about all changes that might affect what business rates you pay. It's important to tell us about changes straightaway, because otherwise you might get a large backdated bill.
New ratepayers - Moving into a property
Tell us that you have moved into a non domestic property by completing a form for each property you have moved into.
Completing this form takes around 10 minutes
You will need:
- your landlords details if you are renting or leasing a property
- solicitors details if you have bought a property
- your bank details if you wish to pay by direct debit
Tell us you are moving into a property
You'll get a Business Rates bill to cover the number of days from the date you became the ratepayer to the following 31 March. We will send you a new bill.
Moving out of a property
Tell us that you have moved out of a non domestic property by completing a form for each property you are moving out of.
Completing this form takes around 10 minutes
You will need:
- your landlords details if you are renting or leasing a property
- solicitors details if you have sold a property
- new owners details if you have sold a property
Tell us you are moving out of a property
We will send you a new bill in around 15 days.
Owners and leaseholders moving out and leaving a property empty are still responsible for the Business Rates until a new occupier moves in or the lease ends. You can find out about paying Business Rates on empty properties.
If you're not an owner or leaseholder but are moving out and leaving a property unoccupied, you are responsible for paying the Business Rates until you have taken away all stock and effects. We might need to visit to check the premises before we can close your account.
If your account is in credit on the date we close your account and you're moving to a new business address, we'll transfer the balance across. If the business is closing or moving out of Cheshire East, you'll get a refund. You should get the refund within 2 weeks of getting a final bill from us if we hold your bank details. If we do not hold your bank details, you can complete our form to request a refund. You will need to upload a copy of your bank statement to confirm your bank details.
Tenant changes
As a landlord or letting agent you can tell us about tenants moving into or out of a non-domestic property by filling in and sending to us the Landlord / Letting Agent - Change of address form (PDF, 328KB)
Rate relief no longer applies
You can tell us that your property no longer counts for rate relief by completing our form.
Tell us about changes in your circumstances
Other changes
For any other changes complete our form.
Tell us about changes in your circumstances
Authority to disclose information
If someone else is helping you, you can give us permission to talk to them by signing our authority to disclose form:
Authority to disclose
What happens next when you tell us about a change of circumstance
We'll send you a new Business Rates bill confirming the new details. This can take up to 20 working days if we need more information. If we need to do an internal inspection of your property to confirm information, we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
If you want us to talk to someone else on your behalf, you must complete an authority to disclose form (PDF, 84KB).
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Contact Business Rates
Revenues Service - Cheshire East Council Contact us about Business Rates enquiry form
Customer Service Business Rates Team available for telephone enquiries:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 13:00
0300 123 5013
Revenues Service
Cheshire East Council
PO Box 622
Page last reviewed: 02 January 2025
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