Page last reviewed: 09 October 2023

Star rating appeal process

Lodging an appeal

If you are unhappy with the Star Rating given to your business you have 21 days from the date the Star Rating is awarded to lodge an appeal (this includes weekends and bank holidays).

This process is relevant where you wish to dispute the star rating given as not reflecting the animal welfare standards and risk level of your business at the time of the inspection.  

This process is not relevant where you have made improvements to your business and wish to be reassessed.  In this situation, you should apply for re-inspection and a re-inspection fee will apply.

Where you wish to lodge an appeal against the Star Rating given to your business, it is advisable, in the first instance, to discuss this with the Inspecting Officer. This does not form part of the Appeals Process but provides the opportunity to discuss how the rating was worked out.

If you remain unhappy, or prior to this discussion, you should submit your appeal in writing (including by email) to the Team Leader for Animal Health and Welfare.

The appeal will be considered by the Team Leader for Animal Health and Welfare. A decision will be issued within 21 days from the date the local authority receives the appeal.  Where a revisit is required as part of the appeal process, a revisit fee will be payable by you (unless the appeal results in a higher rating being awarded).

If you disagree with the outcome of the appeal a challenge may be made by means of a judicial review. You may also wish to make a complaint using the Cheshire East Council Complaints procedure (including taking the matter to the Local Government Ombudsman where appropriate).

Request for re-inspection for re-rating purposes

Where a rating of ‘1’ to ‘4’ has been given, and accepted by you and you have subsequently made the required improvements to address non-compliance identified during the local authority’s inspection, you may apply for a re-rating inspection. There is a fee for a re-inspection visit, and it should be noted that a re-inspection could lead to a lower rating being awarded rather than an increase in rating.

Where a re-inspection is requested, it will be carried out within 3 months of the request, unless there is insufficient evidence of the required improvements being made, in which case the local authority may refuse to re-inspect the business.

Re-inspection requests should be made in writing (including by email).

Where a business is unhappy with the outcome of a re-inspection, it may seek recourse via the Cheshire East Council Complaints Procedure.

Variation, suspension or revocation of a licence

Making an appeal

Return completed forms:

By post to:
Animal Health and Welfare Team
Cheshire East Council
Delamere House
Delamere Street

Or via email to

Contact us

0300 123 5015

Page last reviewed: 09 October 2023