Page last reviewed: 31 January 2024

Food alerts

Food Alerts are issued by the Food Standards Agency. They let local authorities and consumers know about problems associated with food and, in some cases, provide details of specific action to be taken.

There are two types;

  • Food Alerts For Information - where a solution to the problem has been put in place
  • Food Alerts For Action - where enforcement authorities need to take action. They are often issued in conjunction with a product withdrawal or recall by a manufacturer, retailer or distributor.

You can find the most recent Food Standards Agency Food Alerts. There is also an archive where all previous alerts are available.

Allergy alerts

Some Food Alerts relate to food Allergy Alerts. Sometimes foods have to be withdrawn or recalled if there is a risk to consumers because the allergy labelling is missing or incorrect or if there is any other food allergy risk.

Pre-packaged for direct sale

Natasha’s Law came into effect on the 01 October 2021. The legislation changes the labelling requirements for pre-packaged food for direct sale (PPDS). The new labelling will help protect your consumers by providing potentially life-saving allergen information on the packaging.

Any business that produces  PPDS food will be required to label it with the name of the food and a full ingredients list, with allergenic ingredients emphasised within the list.

Further Information regarding Natasha’s Law:

Contact Commercial Services

0300 123 5015

Page last reviewed: 31 January 2024