Page last reviewed: 15 October 2024


The Drinking Water Inspectorate is the national body for ensuring the quality of water. Information about the different organisations who carry out water testing, depending on the nature of the testing required, is described in the sections below.

Water pollution

The Environment Agency is responsible for maintaining or improving water quality and resources in England and should be contacted if pollution may be damaging the natural environment, including watercourses or groundwater.

Visit the Environment Agency website for further information and advice.

Private water supplies

There are a number of private water supplies in the borough, for which we are the responsible Authority for monitoring their quality. These include some domestic and commercial properties which are not connected to a mains supply, they get their drinking water from boreholes or springs for example. Further information is available on the Private Water Supplies page.

Bathing water

We are responsible for checking the quality of all of the swimming pools in the Borough, including leisure centres, private health clubs, hotels, jacuzzis and outdoor pools. We test these on a regular basis for chemical and microbiological quality.

Mains water supply

We may occasionally become involved in the testing of domestic mains water in addition to the statutory water undertakers for the area. If you notice a strange taste or odour from your mains supplied drinking water, contact United Utilities in the first instance for them to investigate.

Contact Environmental health


Page last reviewed: 15 October 2024