Gaming permits (gambling act 2005)

We are asking customers to only submit essential applications. Please be aware that it may take some time to review and process your application. You should expect most applications to take longer than normal to process.

There are a range of permits for gambling that we can grant. They are required when premises provide a gambling facility but either the stakes and prizes are very low or gambling is not the main use of the gaming machines in a specific premises. We issue the following types of Permit under the Act:

Gaming permits or gambling premises licence

You do not need to apply for Gaming Permits if you already have, or think that you actually need a Gambling Premises Licence. There are several key differences between these Permits and a Gambling Premises Licence:

  • Permit applicants/holders are not required to have an Operating Licence issued by the Gambling Commission
  • There are no responsible authorities or interested parties in relation to Permit applications
  • We can only grant or reject Permits, we can not attach conditions.
  • The Gambling Commission has less power and involvement in relation to Permits than they do with a Gambling Premises Licence.
  • With the exception of Permits relating to alcohol licensed premises, Permits are of limited duration and require renewal.

If you require further advice, please contact us on the details below.

Page last reviewed: 31 January 2025