Page last reviewed: 07 February 2020

Crewe Town Centre Planning Policy

The Cheshire East Local Plan sets out the planning policy for the borough. Its ‘Site Allocations and Development Policies document’ (First Draft) identifies that, despite a period of dynamic change, town centres remain the focal point for much retailing, leisure and commerce.

The plan seeks to support the role and function of town centres through this period of change, particularly by concentrating on core areas and activities. In recognition of their role as principal towns, more detailed policy is provided for Crewe and Macclesfield.

The following information is taken from Publication Draft of the Local Plan Site Allocations and Development Policies document, and relates to planning policies in Crewe Town Centre. These documents can be viewed on the Cabinet Agenda for the 6  August 2019. Consultation on the Publication Draft  SADPD took place between 19 August and 30 September 2019.

Northern Edge Development Area (NEDA)

Proposals involving the redevelopment of existing buildings and other land uses in the NEDA will be supported where they provide:

  • larger floorplate retail units to meet modern retailer requirements; and
  • high quality pedestrian routes and public realm connecting them with Victoria Street through the Victoria Centre and the Market Centre.

Royal Arcade Development Area (RADA)

A comprehensive, leisure-led mixed use regeneration scheme will be supported in principle within the RADA .

The scheme should:

  • be anchored by a multiplex cinema
  • include leisure and retail units, and potentially other main town centre uses
  • be designed with open streets with active building frontages
  • include a new multi storey car park, available for all town centre visitors
  • provide attractive and safe routes through the area for pedestrians and cyclists between Victoria Street, Queensway, Delamere Street and Charles Street
  • provide a new bus interchange to replace the existing bus station; and
  • provide main gateway connections into the core of the town centre at the junction of Queensway and Victoria Street.

Proposals anywhere in the town that are likely to prejudice the comprehensive redevelopment of the RADA will not be permitted.

Southern Gateway Development Area (SGDA)

  • In the SGDA , the refurbishment of existing buildings along High Street to support a vibrant range of main town centre uses will be supported. This could include the development of existing gaps in the street frontages and the redevelopment or improvement of existing poorly designed buildings
  • Recognising the significance of this area as the arrival point into the town centre for pedestrians and vehicles from the railway station, development proposals should provide for, wherever possible, safe and attractive pedestrian connections, including through to the CCQDA thereby reinforcing and improving connectivity between the Primary Shopping Area, the CCQDA and Crewe Railway Station
  • Any redevelopment or reconfiguration on the site currently occupied by the retail warehouse buildings on the eastern part of the SGDA should provide for new and improved pedestrian/cycling connections between that site and the rest of the SGDA and also between that site and the CCQDA

Civic and Cultural Quarter Development Area (CCQDA)

In the CCQDA , the following development schemes will be supported:

  • The re-use or redevelopment of the former library buildings for a range of civic, cultural, community and other town centre uses, including a potential History Centre
  • The flexible use of Crewe Market Hall, to remain functioning primarily as a market, but allowing for other appropriate uses, for example, for entertainment and community events; and
  • The re-use of Christ Church for a cultural, leisure, entertainment, community or other town centre use (or uses), respecting its Grade II Listed status

Town Centre Public Realm Improvements

Proposals that improve the quality of the public spaces and routes across the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists, and links between the town centre and Crewe Railway Station, will be supported. 

Connectivity between the Town Centre and Grand Junction Retail Park

The council will support and implement a range of measures to improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity between the town centre and Grand Junction Retail Park, including through developer contributions, where justified.

New residential accommodation in the town centre

New high quality residential accommodation in the town centre will be supported, including through:

  • the use of under-used, upper floors of commercial buildings
  • the inclusion of new homes as part of mixed-use development schemes; and
  • the redevelopment of existing sites, including car parks where sufficient  alternative car parking provision is made or is available.

Appropriate refuse and recycling storage facilities must be provided for as part of such developments.

Page last reviewed: 07 February 2020