Page last reviewed: 31 May 2023

Supporting Crewe town centre to thrive

Like many across the country, Crewe town centre continues to be impacted by a number of factors, including increased competition from online shopping and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Our ‘Repurposing Our High Streets’ scheme responds to these challenges and aims to address high levels of empty commercial premises in the town centre by helping businesses to take on leases by contributing towards the initial costs of occupying and operating from them, as well as offering them tailored business support.

While reducing the number of empty premises, it will also help to increase footfall, create new jobs, and strengthen the mix of businesses Crewe’s home to.

While premises are standing empty, we’ve also got plans to improve how they look so that we can inject vibrancy back into the town centre and increase their appeal to potential occupiers.

We hope to be able to support more than 50 businesses through grants and business support, as well as support the creation of more than 60 jobs.

Managed by us and overseen by Crewe Town Board, Repurposing Our High Streets is funded through Crewe’s allocation of up to £22.9m from the government’s Towns Fund.

Find out more about the board and the projects being supported in Crewe by the Towns Fund

The scheme is also part of a wider programme of regeneration for the town centre and joins the line-up of more than 20 other projects that are moving forward.

Find out more about our ambitious vision and plans for the town.

More information about the support packages and services available to businesses in Cheshire East can be found on the business growth and investment section of our website.

Page last reviewed: 31 May 2023