Page last reviewed: 08 October 2021

Social value

The Public Services Social Value Act 2012 makes it a legal obligation for public bodies to “consider” the social good that could come when undertaking public procurements.

Social Value is something that should be considered during the commissioning (planning) process well before any procurement takes place and should be monitored throughout the life cycle of the contract.

Cheshire East Social Value Principles and Objectives

  • Enabling local people and communities to see what a ‘good life’ could be.
  • Understanding why social value is important to Cheshire East in making it a better ‘Place’ to live.
  • Working together across sectors to achieve social value outcomes, foster innovation and reduce avoidable inequalities – linked to the Marmot Principles.
  • Protecting health and social care services for future generations.
  • Taking a strengths and assets based rather than needs or deficits-based approach.
  • Paving a voice to local communities – social value is our social model for good health, a chance to re-imagine a new future ‘dreaming with communities’ through listening and involving the community in leading the way in decisions that affect their lives.
  • Social value will be embedded as core practice, behaviours and the way that we operate.
  • Social value will be embedded across the whole commissioning cycle, underpinned by the principles of good commissioning.
  • Making every penny count, growing local wealth, health and our environment.
  • Creating opportunities for ‘Social Innovation’ – The Social Innovation3 is our model for the acceleration of social innovation processes to deliver social value across Cheshire East.
  • Our work is connected to Cheshire East strategic priorities: 5 Year Plan, Local Sustainable Communities Strategy and the Local Industry Strategy.
  • We are inclusive in our approach so that social value is for everyone.
  • We will create a lasting impact and legacy for local people through delivering our social value approach.
  • We are part of the Cheshire and Merseyside Social Value Network and will facilitate shared learning, encouraging innovation and best practice in exploring social value.

Cheshire East Social Value Policy (PDF, 469KB)

Cheshire East Social Value Framework (PDF, 328KB)

Cheshire East and Merseyside Social Value Award

Cheshire East Council are part of the Cheshire and Merseyside Social Value Network and supports the Cheshire and Merseyside Social Value Award, which aims to recognise local organisations making an impact in our communities. 

Why should you apply for the award? 

  • free and simple to apply
  • decision within 2 weeks
  • stand out for your commitment to social value
  • the Award is recognised by more than 40 cross sector organisations across Cheshire and Merseyside
  • build brand awareness
  • receive a certificate and Award branding for your ongoing use
  • once awarded, it’s valid for 5 years

If your organisation is passionate about showing how you impact and benefit local communities, the environment and the economy, then you can apply for the quality mark free via the Social Value Business:

Contact us

Corporate Procurement Unit
Cheshire East Council

Page last reviewed: 08 October 2021