Page last reviewed: 15 August 2024

Food standards

Food safety and quality is one of our priorities. We work with food businesses to make sure all food products offered for sale in Cheshire East are safe and correctly labelled.

Trading Standards enforce the legislation relating to food labelling and composition.

Environmental Health enforce the legislation relating to food safety and hygiene.

Starting a food business

You must register your food business with us before you start trading 

Food allergies and intolerances

As a food business operator you must know exactly what is in the food you provide and to be able to tell consumers. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) provides

Labelling and packaging

You must use the correct labelling and packaging information for your food products so the consumer can make an informed choice. The law sets out what legal information is required to be shown on food packaging. There are different rules for loose and pre packed foods.

GOV.UK has information for:

Food business information

You can find further information on food businesses from the Business Companion.

Report a problem with a food business

Contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service. You can chat to them online or by phone on 0808 223 1133. 

Contact Trading Standards

Page last reviewed: 15 August 2024