Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024

Report illegal parking

You can report ongoing illegal parking in areas where there are parking restrictions in place. We can only respond to an ongoing illegal parking issue, not to a specific incident or vehicle. Requests for enforcement will be looked at by our Civil Enforcement Officers as part of their patrols.

You can report the illegal parking online or you can call our parking team on 0300 123 5020. 

To report illegal parking where there are no parking restrictions, phone the police on 101.

To report obstructive parking such as a pavement or junction, phone the police on 101. 

For parking that may be causing a nuisance but is not illegal, see nuisance parking.

To report ongoing illegal parking complete the online form below. The form will take 5 minutes to complete.

Report ongoing illegal parking

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

What information to give us

Give as much information as you can about what type of illegal parking is taking place - for example, how often, how many vehicles, and what time of day it happens.

It is helpful if you give your name and contact details, in case we need more information.

What happens after you report illegal parking

We will send a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) to visit the location as soon as we can. Where we find evidence of ongoing illegal parking, our CEO team will track the situation and take action as needed.

You will not get a response from us to your report (unless we need more details), because we get a high number of illegal parking reports and cannot respond to each one.

We cannot target individual vehicles reported to us - this is because such action could mean we were not enforcing parking controls in a fair and consistent way.

Report an abandoned vehicle

If you think a vehicle has been abandoned, you can report an abandoned vehicle.

Contact Us

Illegal Parking Enquiries - Cheshire East Council


Telephone: 0300 123 5020

Feedback and complaints

Visit our feedback and complaints page.  

Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024