Mayoral Invitations

The Mayor of Cheshire East Borough 2024-2025 is Councillor Marilyn Houston.

The Mayor welcomes invitations to attend events held by local organisations. Many Cheshire East Towns also have a Town Mayor who play a vital role in the civic life of their town.

You may wish to consider inviting the Town Mayor to events. You will find details on how to contact Towns Councils on the Town Councils in Cheshire East page.

The Mayor of Cheshire East receives many invitations to attend a wide range of events across the Borough and the wider region each year. Invitations are very welcome from all parts of the community, but the Mayor is particularly keen to receive invitations from the business community.

Due to demand it may not be possible for the Mayor to attend every event to which they are invited. We will contact you should the Mayor be available to attend your event within one week of your request.

If you would like to invite any of the Mayoral team to your event you can contact Melanie Rogers on 01270 686475 or complete the below online form. The form will take 5 minutes to complete.

 Invite the Mayor to an event

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Events and occasions

The Mayor and Consort are available to represent Cheshire East at a wide range of functions and events organised by:

  • firms and businesses in the borough
  • schools, youth centres and other organisations
  • voluntary, charitable and cultural organisations

The Mayor and Consort are also pleased to:

  • receive special guests in the parlours and greet overseas visitors
  • visit the homes of residents on special occasions such as Diamond Weddings and add civic congratulations to centenarians.

Guidance for events where the Mayor of Cheshire East is present

  • The Worshipful the Mayor of Cheshire East is the Borough’s First Citizen and takes precedence in the Borough, subject only to the presence of the King himself, the Lord Lieutenant or another representative of the King.
  • The Mayor and Mayoress/Consort should always be met upon arrival and accompanied (when appropriate) during the full duration of the event.
  • If the Mayor is attending a meeting which they are not chairing they should be seated on the immediate right of the person presiding over the meeting. The Mayoress/Consort should be sat on the right of the Mayor.
  • Except for an introduction, it is normal for the Mayor to be the first speaker.
  • The formal way of announcing the Mayor is “The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of Cheshire East”. The correct form of address when speaking to the Mayor is “Mr Mayor” or “Madam Mayor”.
  • The Mayor’s Attendant will normally drive the Mayor to an event and will be available to provide advice during the event.

The Mayor's office can offer advice for those organising events, contact Melanie Rogers for more information.

Page last reviewed: 20 March 2025