Page last reviewed: 27 March 2023

About the Connected Communities team

Across Cheshire East we all have a responsibility to support each other for the good of our communities. We use an Asset Based approach to bring together and build upon our assets (organisations, places/buildings, knowledge and enthusiasm) in our communities. Cheshire East Council will support and engage with communities including the voluntary, community and faith sector and the many active volunteer-based partnerships, for more details you can view the council’s Connected Communities strategy (PDF, 4MB).

We work collectively at a local level to make Cheshire East the best place it can be for its residents. 

Our teams

Our team operates in four distinct workstreams:

  • Community Development – to support local communities and develop new projects with local organisations
  • Grants and Infrastructure – to ensure that groups have the funding and resources required to support our communities
  • Community Connectors – to support vulnerable residents, including those who may need the help of a volunteer
  • Community Liaison – to support hard-to-reach families, refugees and asylum seekers, veterans and others

You can find contact details on relevant pages in this section.

Connected Communities social media

Follow up on Facebook.

Page last reviewed: 27 March 2023