Page last reviewed: 06 December 2023

Neighbourhood partnerships

We set up and facilitate neighbourhood partnerships to bring together a range of partners including the Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCF) sector, Police, children’s centres, schools, Youth Services, Youth Offending Team, local elected members and businesses.

The purpose is to understand local priorities based on local intelligence. We work as a partnership to create local projects that impact on those local priorities. Agencies and local residents work collaboratively to create and tailor projects to suit that community.

We have a number of neighbourhood partnerships across Cheshire East. Each of them serve an area across the borough where we have identified a need to reduce health inequality.

Contact your Community Development Officers to join an existing Neighbourhood Partnership or to set one up in your community.

Town and Community partnerships

Town and Community Partnerships are independent groups, which are established and led by the local community. They vary to meet local needs, but their overall purpose is to improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of their area. Town and Community Partnerships are active in:

Page last reviewed: 06 December 2023