Funding opportunities for VCFSE and other organisations

Cheshire East Council prides itself on supporting the Voluntary Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE). This includes other organisations through various grant schemes as well as ensuring the sector is aware of other funding opportunities available to them.

If you are aware of any other funding opportunities available to VCFSE sector and other organisations of Cheshire East that are not stated below or if there is anything else you would like to see on this page, email us at

  • Improved, Greener Community Facilities Fund - Grants are currently available to improve community facilities and buildings, energy efficiency and save carbon through the Improved, Greener Community Facilities Fund, funded by the UK Rural Prosperity Fund.
  • The National Lottery Community Fund - The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of the National Lottery. 
  • There are no opportunities right now, but do check this page for updates. 


Does your organisation need funding? Would you like support searching for funding opportunities for your organisation?

GrantFinder is one of the largest and most comprehensively supported databases of its type. It offers users a user-friendly, accurate and continuously updated package that has helped to facilitate the securing of millions of pounds’ worth of funding support. We have a licence to use the GrantFinder service, providing VCFSE sector, businesses and other organisations with bespoke funding searches for their organisation or for specific projects.

For further information or to request a funding search, contact

Page last reviewed: 06 June 2024