Census 2021

What is the census?

Every ten years the Office for National Statistics (ONS) carries out a census to find out more about the people who live in England and Wales, and about the make-up of local neighbourhoods.

The census provides the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in Cheshire East. The information helps decide how to plan and fund services. This could mean things like doctors' surgeries, housing, or new bus routes. There is no other survey that gives as much information about our society and future needs.

Headlines from the 2021 Census

The Office for National Statistics released headline figures for councils in England and Wales on 28 June 2022.  The headlines show:

  • Growth in the population for Cheshire East, which now stands at 398,800 residents – an increase of 28,700 from the previous census in 2011
  • The population in the borough has increased by 7.7 per cent since the last census in 2011, compared to 6.3 per cent in England and Wales, and 5.2 per cent in the North West region
  • Cheshire East now remains the third largest of the 39 local authorities in the North West – behind Manchester and Liverpool – and fifteenth largest in England
  • Cheshire East is the ninth least densely populated in the North West, with around two people living on each football pitch-sized area of land
  • Cheshire East has the fifth largest population increase across the North West region, below Salford (15.4 per cent), Chorley (9.9 per cent), Manchester (9.7 per cent) and Cheshire West and Chester (8.4 per cent)
  • The oldest aged group (those aged 90 and above) increased by a third (32 per cent) in Cheshire East which is above the England average (23 per cent)
  • We have also seen individuals aged 70 to 74 increase by nearly half (45 per cent), which was also above the England average (37 per cent)
  • Some younger age groups also increased, for example those aged 30-34 increased by a quarter (24 per cent), nearly twice the England average (13 per cent).

These latest ONS results reveal an increase in the population in England and Wales of more than 3.5 million (6.3 per cent) compared with Census Day 2011.

Information about the release of further data from the 2021 Census is available on the website of the Office for National Statistics.

Parish profiles from the 2021 Census are available from the Nomis website.

Past, present and future of the census

The census takes place every ten years. The first census was in 1801 and the most recent was Sunday 21 March 2021.

Page last reviewed: 13 January 2025