Page last reviewed: 25 July 2023

The Cheshire East Joint Outcomes Framework

The Cheshire East Joint Outcomes Framework aims to monitor progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy (PDF 6.6MB) and Place Delivery Plan (under development) towards improved health and wellbeing, reduced inequalities and further integration between services.

Please note: the Joint Outcomes Framework is not a tool to monitor how individual services are performing.

The Phase One Joint Outcomes Framework

Phase One of the Joint Outcomes Framework include the following indicators, which were agreed through cross-system consensus building:

  1. Life expectancy at birth (upper age band 90 and over) (female, all ages) (2016-2020)
  2. Life expectancy at birth (upper age band 90 and over) (male, all ages) (2016-2020)
  3. Healthy life expectancy at birth (female, all ages) (2018-2020)
  4. Healthy life expectancy at birth (male, all ages) (2018-2020)
  5. Long-term unemployment- rate per 1,000 work age population (persons, 16-64 years) (2021/22)
  6. Modelled estimates of the proportion of households in fuel poverty (2020)
  7. Smoking status at time of delivery (female, all ages) (2021/22)
  8. Child development: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at 2- 2.5 years (persons, 2-2.5 years) (2021/22)
  9. Year 6 prevalence of overweight (including obesity), 3-years data combined (persons, 10-11 years) (2019/20-2021/22)
  10. Social isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like (persons, 18+ years) (2021/22)
  11. Social isolation: percentage of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like (persons, 18+ years)
  12. Emergency hospital admissions for intentional self harm,standardised admission ratio (persons, all ages) (2016/17-2020/21)
  13. Percentage of physically active adults (persons, 19+years) (2020/21)
  14. Admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions (persons, all ages) (2021/22)

As of 8 March 2023, the Phase One Joint Outcomes Framework was demonstrating the following:

Cheshire East was significantly better than the England average for:

Indicators for which Cheshire East was better than average
IndicatorCheshire EastEngland
Life expectancy at birth (upper age band 90 and over) (female, all ages) (2016-2020) 83.8 years 83.2 years
Life expectancy at birth (upper age band 90 and over) (male, all ages) (2016-2020) 80.3 years 79.5 years
Healthy life expectancy at birth (female, all ages) (2018-2020) 67.4 years 63.9 years
Healthy life expectancy at birth (male, all ages) (2018-2020) 67.4 years 63.1 years
Long-term unemployment- rate per 1,000 work age population (persons, 16-64 years) (2021/22) 0.8 1.9
Year 6 prevalence of overweight (including obesity), 3-years data combined (persons, 10-11 years) (2019/20-2021/22) 33% 35.8%
Social isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like (persons, 18+ years) (2021/22) 47.2% 40.6%
Percentage of physically active adults (persons, 19+years) (2020/21) 70.6% 65.9%

Cheshire East was in the best 40% of local authorities for:

Indicators for which Cheshire East was in the top 40%
IndicatorCheshire EastEngland
Modelled estimates of the proportion of households in fuel poverty (2020) 10.8% 13.2%

Cheshire East was similar to the England average for:

Indicators for which Cheshire East was similar to the average
IndicatorCheshire EastEngland
Child development: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at 2- 2.5 years (persons, 2-2.5 years) (2021/22) 81.2% 81.2%
Social isolation: percentage of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like (persons, 18+ years) (2021/22) 25.5% 28%

Cheshire East was significantly worse than the England average for:

Indicators for which Cheshire East was worse than the average
IndicatorCheshire EastEngland
Smoking status at time of delivery (female, all ages) (2021/22) 11.7% 9.1%
Emergency hospital admissions for intentional self harm,standardised admission ratio (persons, all ages) (2016/17-2020/21) 117.6 100
Admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions (persons, all ages) (2021/22) 668 626

According to the framework, overall, Cheshire East performed significantly better than or similar to the England average for the majority of selected outcome indicators. However, there is considerable variation in relation to some of these indicators within Cheshire East at ward level. This will be illustrated as part of Phase Two of the framework’s development*.

* Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. Public Health Profiles. © Crown copyright 2023 (Accessed 8 March 2023).

Further information and comparisons of Cheshire East average figures are included within the following attachment: The Cheshire East Joint Outcomes Framework (PDF 265KB)

About the development of Cheshire East Joint Outcomes Framework

The development of the Cheshire East Joint Outcomes Framework is being led by the Business Intelligence Enabler Workstream Group which reports to both

  • The Cheshire East Strategic Planning and Transformation Group
  • The Cheshire East Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Steering Group

About Phase One of the Joint Outcomes Framework

Phase One agreed on 14 key outcome indicators for Cheshire East across the four outcomes outlined within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that:

  • Require system-level solutions across multiple partners/organisations
  • If improved, might help to relieve system pressures and the extent to which Cheshire East thrives
  • Are in line with Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System-level priorities, where possible

Phase 1 focused on indicators within the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Public health profiles - OHID ( This tool was chosen to simplify the process of developing the first phase of the tool by utilising a single data source.

The indicators were agreed through a multi-stage, multi-partner consensus building approach. Further detail regarding this approach can be found at: Supplementary document - method for developing Phase One of the Joint Outcomes Framework (PDF 1.7MB)

About Phase Two of the Joint Outcomes Framework

Phase Two has begun. It will take place over 2023/24 and intends to:

  • Develop a Microsoft Power BI Dashboard to present the Joint Outcomes Framework indicators
  • Improve the ability to understand variation in the indicators by ward or care community level
  • Consider including further indicators to the Phase One set
  • Develop a further second set of indicators to monitor against the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board Five Year Delivery Plan 2023 – 2028 that will sit along slide the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy/ Place Plan.

Phase Two will aim to include more regularly updated indicators than in Phase One. It will also involve further engagement and consensus building across Cheshire East.


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Page last reviewed: 25 July 2023