
Cheshire East Council moves towards decision on how it spends its 2023-24 budget

10 February 2023

Cheshire East Council is moving towards a decision which will confirm its budget and spending plans for the next financial year at a full council meeting on 22 February.

At the meeting, the council’s financial plan, called the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), will be discussed. The plan outlines a series of priorities, and proposals for how it will manage its finances and balance its books over the next four years. The process for 2023/24 has been difficult in the face of unprecedented inflation and demand on services. The plans show how the council aims to deliver the priorities set out in its corporate plan.

The recent public consultation about the budget, received 2,267 engagements – more than any previous budget consultation by the council. Each of the council’s service committees also discussed the budget proposals at public meetings throughout January and February.

Several of 122 proposals have been further developed or amended in response to comments made throughout the consultation period. All the responses have been summarised and provided to councillors to help with their decisions.

This includes proposals to change library opening hours and garden waste collection services. Councillors will notice that 109 out of the 122 proposals received positive support.

Councillor Amanda Stott, chair of Cheshire East Council’s finance sub-committee, said: “We would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our public consultation on our budget proposals.

“The council must set a balanced budget – we cannot spend more money than we have.

“It’s important for people to understand the financial situation the council is in and the national factors such as inflation, including the cost of fuel and energy, and increasing demand for care services that the council has. This all has significant impact on the council’s budget and means we must make some decisions that no-one wants to make.

“Budget proposals have been amended in response to comments and suggestions made through consultation, so the budget that full council will debate does have several differences to the one that was consulted upon in January. The changes that have been made seek to balance views put forward through the consultation against the financial constraints we are working within.

“It should also be made clear that our financial plan is still a draft document that contains proposals. These are not final until the councillors agree the budget at a meeting of full council on 22 February.”

Although the online public consultation is now closed, the public can still discuss the council’s budget and financial plans with their local councillor ahead of the decisions being made on 22 February 2023. 

The financial plan (MTFS) is available at

Agenda papers for full council will be available on the council website, five working days before the meeting.