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Cheshire East Council tracks progress towards an open, fairer, greener borough 

4 October 2023

Cheshire East is set to discuss encouraging progress against its priorities in the first quarter of the year, despite a range of challenges affecting councils across the country during this period. 

Members of the council’s corporate policy committee are set to consider the work towards the council’s open, fair and green vision at a meeting on 5 October. 

Some of the key headlines include:

  • The launch of first two family hubs in the borough at Oak Tree in Crewe and Oakenclough, Wilmslow; 
  • The council and its partners continue to support children and families through the government’s Afghan resettlement and Homes for Ukraine schemes, as well as looking after unaccompanied asylum-seeking children;
  • Eight children were successfully adopted, providing them with a stable, loving and nurturing family; 
  • The council secured government backing for two new free schools for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities;
  • The council is continuing to make improvements with its work to deliver education health and care plans, with completion rates now exceeding national average; 
  • There continues to be positive progress towards the council’s net zero target. At the end of 2022/23 there was 46 per cent progress towards carbon neutrality by 2025 and, at the end of quarter one, this has increased to 56 per cent, mainly due to the installation of nine air-source heat pumps in council buildings;
  • 126 affordable homes delivered in quarter one, with projections indicating that the annual target of 355 affordable homes will be exceeded;
  • The backlog of planning applications continues to reduce, with a new system of a named contact officer for each application. Half of all applications are now determined within 10 weeks; 
  • The Treacle Town Art Trail, which includes a range of public art throughout Macclesfield, has been completed; and
  • Work to regenerate Crewe continues including the completion of the Ly2 project, transforming Lyceum Square into an exciting new outdoor entertainment venue. 

Councillor Sam Corcoran, leader of Cheshire East Council and chair of Cheshire East Council’s corporate policy committee, said: “Despite operating in a tough financial environment, this report shows that the council has continued to make progress towards delivering our open, fairer and greener vision for Cheshire East.

Cllr Sam Corcoran website 250 x 350“We have something to be proud of here. To be able to say we have managed to achieve these things despite substantial challenges, such as continuing high inflation, increasing complexity and scale of demand for key services and a highly-competitive labour market, is a testament to the commitment of council officers and councillors to deliver for Cheshire East.

“I am particularly happy to see the progress towards our carbon neutral targets, including the continuing work to develop the action plan which will support the wider borough target of net zero by 2045. I also welcome the increased awareness of the issues across children and family services, alongside the developing actions to improve performance in this area.

“We know the challenges ahead are significant and there is much more to do. Recruitment and retention of staff remains a challenge, locally and nationally. We have recently reported an unmitigated funding gap of £12.8m in the current financial year, resulting from increased costs and demand. 

“The council is having to make tough decisions to adapt to meet these demands but it is right we take a moment to consider what we have achieved between April and June of this year.

“We will shortly be launching a public consultation on our plan and vision for Cheshire East and future financial priorities. I’d encourage everyone to take part and have their say.”