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Cheshire East trading standards officers scoop national award

19 July 2023

Cheshire East Council’s trading standards team has won a national award in recognition of its efforts to raise awareness of the dangers of using loan sharks.

They have been recognised by the England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) for their initiatives tackling loan sharks in and around the Cheshire East area and making communities safer. The IMLT investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders, while supporting those who have borrowed money from a loan shark.

This is the second time that the council’s officers have scooped the award for raising awareness of this crime and how residents stuck in this situation can get help. Their commitment to partnership work and diligence regarding community and staff awareness has seen them achieve the ‘Partner Recognition’ accreditation from the England (IMLT), for a second time.

The new accreditation programme recognises and rewards partners that work alongside  IMLT to raise awareness of loan sharks, and their impact on local communities, and to create safer spaces for people to live and work.

CoMick Warren jpg 223 x 328uncillor Mick Warren, chair of Cheshire East Council’s environment and communities committee, said: “I am delighted to see our trading standards officers recognised in this way, as their work to protect our residents is unrelenting and done with a passion to get the best for everyone.

“In many ways, it is sad that they do have to be so determined and vigilant in their work, however it is important to note that these unscrupulous scammers are very much a minority when compared to all the honest lenders there are in our borough.  Where there are unlawful operators at hand though, I know that our brilliant team will work quickly to expose them." 

Tony Quigley, head of England Illegal Money Lending Team, said: “We would like to congratulate Cheshire East Council on their partner recognition award and thank them for their outstanding efforts tackling loan sharks.

“We are extremely grateful for the support of our partners across the country and rely on them to act as our eyes and ears in communities. By working together, we can stamp out illegal money lending and protect residents from this awful crime.

“We continue to encourage people to come forward if they know of or have been a victim of loan sharks. You are not alone, and we will support you.” 

Anyone who believes they might be the victim of a loan shark can contact the Stop Loan Sharks 24-hour confidential helpline on 0300 555 2222, email or complete an online report form at

Live chat is available on the website from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.