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Council asks residents to ‘Show the air you care’ and support Clean Air Day this June

9 June 2023

Air pollution is the largest environmental health risk in the UK and Cheshire East Council is urging residents and businesses to ‘Show the air you care’ by supporting national Clean Air Day on 15 June.

This year’s theme is ‘Clean up our air to look after your mind this Clean Air Day’.

But it should not just be about one day. While clean air day brings the issue of air quality into sharp focus nationally, in Cheshire East we are encouraged to make a personal pledge to continue with positive actions, which contribute to cleaner air and a healthier environment all year round.

According to UK government and the World Health Organisation, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths each year. Reducing air pollution is a priority for this council. This year the awareness day focuses on the impact on brain conditions and mental health from poor air quality, but we know that it can have a severe impact on people with chest and breathing conditions, including asthma.

The council is committed to improving air quality and has already taken steps – through  ongoing awareness campaigns, highways and active travel schemes – towards a net zero, low carbon strategy for the whole borough. The council has its own target of 2025, to become carbon neutral. 

This year’s Clean Air Day will see the launch of the council’s anti-idling toolkit for schools, to inform parents and their children of the health impacts from leaving vehicle engines running when parked. The toolkit provides schools with myth-busting information around engine idling, pledge forms, a letter template, plus a wordsearch around air quality. This can be accessed via the vehicle idling page on our website.Mick Warren jpg 223 x 328 

Councillor Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council chair of the council’s environment and communities committee, said: “Engine idling is one of several challenges we face that contributes to poor health. 

“Active travel schemes encourage cycling and walking, whether it is to work, school or the shops. Leaving the car at home is something we should all try to follow where and when possible. Burning unseasoned logs and bituminous coal are discouraged, and these fuels should no longer be available for retail. Similarly, all new log-burning and multi-fuel stoves must comply with new regulations.

“Clean air day is an event that reminds us of the health impacts of poor air quality. In Cheshire East, we are fortunate to live in a rural borough with some of the most outstanding countryside in the UK. But we still have hot spots of traffic congestion where vehicle emission levels are high.

“So, let’s show the air we care and make a personal contribution, in some way, towards Clean Air Day on 15 June.”

Clean Air Day is a day of practical action and awareness raising, so we can all breathe cleaner and healthier air. Actions people can take to reduce air pollution include:

  •  Give your car a day off – Walk, cycle or take public transport to work or school, or work from home if you can
  • Don’t idle – If you drive, turn off your engine when your vehicle is stationary, and it is safe to do so
  • Discover the side streets – Use quieter streets when you’re on a bike or on foot to avoid polluted main roads
  •  Go electric – There are lots of ways you can travel electric. Hire an electric, or hybrid car (if you don’t own one already), an electric taxi or test drive an electric, or hybrid vehicle today
  •  Only burn dry, well-seasoned wood or smokeless fuel on your stove, open fire or barbecue
  •  Create awareness by speaking to someone about air pollution and its impact on health

Cheshire East Council has embarked on a major programme of decarbonising its buildings, where possible, upgrading insulation and installing air source heat pumps. It is continuing to switch to electric vehicles and wants businesses and housing developers to install electric vehicle charging points at every opportunity.

The council’s key pledges of Open, Fair and Green embedded in its Corporate Plan, state that it will ‘lead communities to protect and enhance our environment, tackle the climate emergency and drive sustainable development’.