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Council launches Shared Lives recruitment campaign

5 September 2023

Cheshire East Council is launching a new recruitment campaign to attract more Shared Lives carers.

 Shared Lives is where carers share their home and family life with an adult who needs help or support to live well. The carer provides support and companionship to the individual, and they can also help with everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping.

Shared Lives can be a very rewarding experience for both the carer and the individual. The carer can gain a sense of purpose and make a real difference to someone's life, while the individual can have more independence, choice, and control over their care.

Cheshire East Council is looking for carers who are compassionate, reliable, and have a genuine interest in helping others. They must also be able to provide a safe and supportive home environment for the individual whether as a full-time family placement or by providing respite support in their own home.

The council is also keen to recruit carers to provide support to people in the community on a sessional basis if they don’t want to provide live-in support.

Rhodes-Jill-223x280“Councillor Jill Rhodes, chair of Cheshire East Council’s adults and health committee, said: “The Shared Lives service is a wonderful way to provide care and support to someone in need and it can also be a very rewarding experience for the carer.

“The council is committed to providing high-quality care and support to people in need and is always looking for ways to improve its services.

“Shared Lives is just one of the ways in which the council is working to provide more innovative and personalised care to its residents.”

The council is offering a range of benefits to Shared Lives carers, including:

  • A regular payment for your time and expenses
  • Paid training and development
  • Ongoing support from the Shared Lives team
  • Do something worthwhile and make a real difference to someone's life.

If you are interested in becoming a Shared Lives carer, please visit the council's website at Become a Shared Lives Carer for more information or take a look at some of the real life stories on the council’s YouTube channel.