Tier 3 Very High - Web570x310

Cheshire East leaders urge people and businesses to ‘do the right thing’ this Christmas and New Year

24 December 2020

Cheshire East Council leaders are calling on residents and businesses to comply with all Covid-19 restrictions over the festive season, particularly when out and about, shopping and enjoying our town centres and villages.

The move from tier 2 to tier 3 - ‘Very High Alert’ level on Boxing Day means that pubs, restaurants and cafes can only open for takeaway. Shops will remain open as before.

Councillor Sam Corcoran, leader of the council, said: “The increase in infection rates we have seen recently is of significant concern. I hope that the move to tier 3 restrictions helps to get rates down, but I know that the new restrictions will have a significant impact, particularly on our hospitality businesses, and I am worried about how some businesses will cope.

“Clearly, we need all businesses to comply with the regulations and tier 3 restrictions. Our regulatory teams will be working with business owners, managers and staff to help them to comply.  

“Over the last few weeks, we have been working extensively with hospitality businesses. With the restrictions significantly reducing the operation of pubs and restaurants, we can now move more of our focus to shops.”

Councillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of the council added: “Boxing Day and New Year are traditionally a very busy time for retailers, and it is particularly important that they understand and apply the regulations and restrictions; however, it is also vitally important that shoppers do everything they can to maintain social distancing and reduce the risk of unwittingly spreading infection.  

“Remember – one in three people with Covid have no symptoms. We encourage people to shop local and support local businesses, but at the same time urge them to stay safe – now is not the time to forget the virus for the sake of a bargain in the post-Christmas sales.”

Any local business seeking advice about how the regulations apply to them, or if anyone has concerns about whether a business is operating in a Covid-secure manner, can contact Cheshire East Council's commercial services 

Information about what businesses can and cannot do, can be found by following this link to the government website.  

For a full list of tier 3 restrictions, including information on what businesses can and can't do, please visit the government's website