Leadsmithy Street Public Conveniences Middlewich

Cheshire East Borough Council

Disposal of Public Open Space

Details of Proposal

It is proposed that Cheshire East Borough Council (“the Council”) dispose of land and to grant rights over land situate at LAND AT LEADSMITHY STREET MIDDLEWICH CW10 9BH.

The extent of the land to be disposed of is shown edged red on the attached plan. The buildings on the land are the Leadsmithy Street, Public Conveniences.

The Council is the freehold owner of the Land.

It is proposed that the property known as LAND AT LEADSMITHY STREET MIDDLEWICH CW10 9BH will be disposed of by way of transfer to Middlewich Town Council together with such rights of way and easements over the land and any of the Council’s adjacent retained land as are necessary to facilitate access to and continued use of the land and its buildings as public conveniences.

Head of Legal Services
Cheshire East Borough Council
Delamere House
Delamere Street

(Ref: GB 042700)

Dated: 21 November 2024