Page last reviewed: 08 August 2022

Asset Management, Cheshire farms and facilities management services privacy notice

What personal information is being processed and what for

Information collected may include a name, contact phone number, email address and residential or postal address, passport and financial or banking details when you make contact so that we can fulfil our role in the acquisition, management, letting and disposal of property or come back with any clarifications necessary to help us respond to your enquiry, and if appropriate, so that we can continue to liaise with you to respond to your enquiry, or to contact you regarding related issues.

Why we are allowed to use your information

Use of your personal data will have a lawful basis either because it is necessary for our performance of a contract with you or because it is in our legitimate interest. Specifically we may use your data for the following purposes:

  • Supplying our services to you, for example responding to enquiries, replying to telephone calls or e-mails from you.
  • Our role in the acquisition, management, letting and disposal of land and property 
  • Providing and managing your account, for example in connection with leases of our land and property
  • To comply with a legal obligation for the performance of a public interest task or exercise of official authority
  • To seek your views and opinions, and allow analysis of data so we can plan better services. Occasionally we will not have a legal basis for holding your personal information, and in such instances we will ask your consent and explain to you how we will use this information.  You may withdraw that consent at any time.

Who we will share your information with

We may need to share your details with other departments in the Council, including Legal, Finance, Highways, Consultation, and Communities services.  In instances where access to land or property is necessary we may need to pass your details on to our maintenance and/or surveying contractors, or to consultants employed to help deliver our services.

Within Asset Management, Cheshire Farms and Facilities Management any legal agreements or licences you have entered into with Cheshire East as either landlord or tenant, and any enquiries made relating to such agreements, or to land and property owned by the Council, will be held on our Property Information System, where data is stored on the supplier’s systems.  Please be assured that our supplier complies with government regulation (GDPR) regarding the storage of personal information and will not use your information except in compliance with our needs.   

We may, in certain circumstances, ask your consent to share your contact details with a third party. We would not do this without obtaining your explicit consent and you may withdraw that consent at any time.

Where we get your information from

In the majority of instances, any information we hold on you will have been provided directly by you.   

How long we will keep your personal information

How long we hold your information depends on the type of property related transaction we may be undertaking with you, or on the particular reason we collected the information from you.  Full details on how long our services keep hold of your information is listed in the Information Asset Register.

How your information is stored

Your information is kept on Council’s ICT systems where they are protected to authorised user access and password access.  Paper information is filed in locked cupboards in secure Council offices.  The supplier of our Property Information System, holds personal information relating to land and property on their secure site, but access to this is restricted in line with Council specification.

What happens if you don’t provide us with your information

If you do not provide us with your contact details when requested this is likely to prevent us in obtaining any follow on information we may need from you to action your enquiry and from responding as fully as we could.

Accessing  our property helpdesk enquiry form

Will your information be used to make automated decisions


Will this information be transferred abroad


Your rights

You can ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong. For detailed information about your rights please see the Council’s full privacy notice.

Page last reviewed: 08 August 2022