Page last reviewed: 26 October 2022

Insurance Team and Cheshire East Highways privacy notice

This privacy notice is issued by Cheshire East Corporate Insurance Team and Cheshire East Highways is to inform claimants how their personal information will be used by the Insurance Team and Cheshire East Highways in relation to the insurance claim that has been submitted by them.

What personal information is being processed and what for

Personal information is used by the Insurance Team and Cheshire East Highways in order to process insurance claims involving the Local Authority. This personal information may include, but not be limited to name, address, date of birth, national insurance number, telephone number, gender, copies of GP/hospital records, medical experts reports, sickness records and wages details.

Why we are allowed to use your information

Your personal information is used by the Insurance Team, in order to carry out its function under the Local Government Act 1972, Section 222 and 223 of the Act which set out the power of Local Authorities to prosecute/defend/appear in legal proceedings.

Who will we share your information with

Your information will be shared with various internal teams relevant to each claim, the Council’s appointed claims handlers, insurers, external solicitors and brokers in order that they can consider all relevant information and reach a decision regarding liability in relation to the claim made.

It may also be shared with the Compliance and Customer Service Relations team for FOI purposes (personal details excluded).

Your information may be shared with other Council departments or bodies who are responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

We may check the information you provide with fraud prevention agencies and databases including the Claims Underwriting and Exchange Register and the Insurance Fraud Bureau, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

Where do we get your information from

Information is provided by yourself, claims handlers, internal Council services and external solicitors.

How long will we keep your personal information

The length of time that your personal information will be retained will depend on several different factors, including the type of claim and the age of the claimant. For more specific detail please refer to the Cheshire East Information Asset Register.

How your information is stored

Your information is held on an externally hosted database which has authorised user access and uses a secure e mail facility.

What happens if you don’t provide us with your information

In the event that you do not provide us with your information the Insurance Team will be unable to administer your claim and the third parties already named will be unable to reach a decision on liability for the claim.

Will your information be used to make automated decisions


Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it. You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong. 

Page last reviewed: 26 October 2022