Page last reviewed: 29 March 2023

People Helping People privacy notice

What personal information is being processed and what for

  • Names, titles and aliases
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details such as telephone and mobile numbers, and email.
  • NHS numbers.
  • Details of people involved in your care (family, friends and other professionals)
  • Health data such as medications, clinical, including mental health and social care history, social care summary of needs
  • Details of income and expenditure
  • Social care summary of needs

Why are we allowed to use your information?

We collect your personal information in order for us to facilitate your hospital discharge and community support needs. As an example your NHS number allows Health and Social Care staff to identify you correctly, helping to ensure you receive safe and efficient care. When you access this service, your personal information will be shared with your health and social care provider.  We may also need to share your information with statutory and emergency services such as the Police.

Sometimes the use of your personal data requires your consent and we will always obtain your consent before processing your information.  Where we rely on consent, you are able to withdraw this at any point should you wish to do so.

If we share your information within Cheshire East Council,NHS services or statutory agencies, we will only do this for the provision of your care or safety when doing so we rely on the following legislation:

  • Care Act 2014
  • Health and Social Care Act 2012
  • Health and Social Care Quality and Safety Act 2015 Section 251b
  • General Data Protection Regulation Article 6 and 9 

Who we will share your information with

We may share personal data with third parties as detailed above. These third parties have no obligation to put in place the appropriate security measures and to ensure that they protect your personal data.

Your information may be shared, but only where necessary:

  • internally with colleagues from other Cheshire East departments e.g Adult Social Care
  • education and school staff
  • Cheshire Police or Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • voluntary, community or faith groups
  • town and parish councils
  • members of statutory health services

Where we get your information from

The Community & Discharge Support Service will receive your information from many sources, but most commonly from you. Other sources include:

  • Other Cheshire East departments e.g Adult Social Care, Reablement 
  • Safeguarding concerns (so agencies can share information about an individual without their consent
  • Referral from another organisation – for example NHS 

How long we will keep your personal information

We wont hold your data for longer than necessary however, different data is required for various purposes and is therefore is held for differing periods of time. For more information, please see our information asset register.

How your information is stored

Information in electronic format is stored securely on council servers, accessed via encrypted systems through user access codes and password protection. This information will be held on files within folders that have a shared access by members of the Communities Team only.

Data will be stored within the ICT system (Liquid Logic) for Adult Social Care. AMI (online secure web-based system that we use to refer into community services and recruit volunteers).

What happens if you don’t provide us with your information

If you do not wish to provide your information  we may be unable to proceed with applications or nominations, and provide the support needed.

Will your information be used to make automated decisions


Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it. You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong.  

For detailed information about your rights please see our privacy notice.

Page last reviewed: 29 March 2023