Page last reviewed: 08 September 2021

Preventative Services privacy notice

All agencies have to tell people how they might use your information and give you the opportunity to object. 

The Partnership is made up of services in Cheshire East working together to provide better help and support to people in the local area. It includes a large number of services such as the Council, health agencies, schools, the police, probation and housing providers. 

Why are we allowed to use your information?

We need to collect your information so that we can understand what help you may need and to be able to work together to help ensure these services are provided for you. We might also share information to assess whether our services are working effectively to improve our services for the future. 

For young people between 13 – 25, we are required under the Education and Skills legislation to collect information to enable us to provide support to assist them gain employment, education and training.  

Where do you get my information from?

The information comes from a variety of sources but in most cases the information comes from you. Sometimes other people provide personal information on behalf of someone else; and sometimes agencies such as the Department for Work and Pensions or other local authorities provide CEC with personal information. 

What information will you share?

We might need to share some or all of the information listed below:

  • Your name, address, contact details, date of birth and pupil ID 
  • Details who you live with and who is part of your family
  • Details of your involvement with our partner agencies, both in the past and currently
  • An assessment of what support you and your family need now and how we can help you in the future.

We will only share information that is relevant to your and your family needs so that we can make sure you receive the support you require.

How will you use my information?

We may share and use your information to: 

  • Identify your needs and the level of support you require
  • Be able to tell other public services what support you need from them
  • Make sure the services you currently work with know what is happening
  • Make sure that the services the Partnership provide are effective and help people across Cheshire East
  • Help the government improve services across the county in the future.
  • Report on progress made by families through the receipt of services 

Who can see my information?

Depending on what type of support you or your family need, some of the agencies listed here might share your information. Information is only shared with relevant partners who would be able to provide you with support.

  • Health Services
  • Council Support Services
  • Relevant Voluntary, Community and Faith sector organisations
  • Police, Probation and Community Rehabilitation Services
  • Housing Providers
  • Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service 
  • Drug and Alcohol Support Services
  • Domestic Abuse Services
  • Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
  • Early Years Settings and Schools
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • Parents and Journey First Team 
  • Supporting Families (Family Focus Data Team)

How does this affect me?

All of your information will be kept in line with the current data protection legislation. This means your information will be kept privately and securely. It will only be seen by members of staff who need to see it so we can provide the services you need.

How long we will keep your personal information? 

We keep personal information in line with its retention schedule which is based on retention guidelines for local authorities. You can see details of our retention guidelines on our information asset register

What if I say no or change my mind?

If you do not want your information to be shared then the partner agencies involved will respect that decision, but this may mean we cannot provide all the services you may need. If you change your mind at a later date, you can contact us via the details at the bottom of this leaflet and tell us. We will stop sharing your information when you ask us to. 

Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it. You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong.  

For detailed information about your rights please see our privacy notice.

Page last reviewed: 08 September 2021