Page last reviewed: 30 June 2022

Strategic Planning Team – Macclesfield Local Development Order privacy notice

What personal information is being processed and what for

The Council has retained information and personal data provided in relation to the Macclesfield Local Development Order (“LDO”) Consent Form. This form sought landowners contact details and their consent to be able to provide such details to anyone who is potentially interested in developing parcels of land within the Macclesfield LDO boundary.

The information included name, email address, home or work address, telephone or mobile number. 

Why we are allowed to use your information

The Council are using this information to help progress the Macclesfield LDO which will help achieve regeneration in the area. The legal basis we rely on to use your personal data is your consent (General Data Protection Regulation Article 6, 1 (a))

Who we will share your information with

For the Macclesfield LDO , contact details provided in the Consent Form will be shared with anyone who contacts the Council and is potentially interested in developing parcels of land within the Macclesfield LDO boundary.

Where we get your information from

Information has been obtained from landowners who have development parcels of land within the Macclesfield LDO boundary and have provided the Council with a signed copy of the consent form.

How long we will keep your personal information

The information will be kept for the length of time the Macclesfield LDO is live.  The Macclesfield LDO took effect on the day it was adopted (13 February 2019) and is limited to a five year period following which the LDO will expire (13 February 2024).  

The Council will review the LDO within 28 days on the second anniversary of its adoption (13 February 2021) to assess its progress and ascertain if it should continue in its current form, be amended, or revoked.

How your information is stored 

Information and personal data submitted will be retained securely and in line with Cheshire East retention guidelines. The data is being kept separate from all other consultation responses, including from the Objective database. Responses have been downloaded and are stored on Council servers in folders only accessed by the Strategic Planning Team.

What happens if you don't provide us with your personal information

If the Macclesfield LDO Consent Form had not been returned, the Council would not be able to provide contact details to anyone who is potentially interested in developing parcels of land within the Macclesfield LDO.  Instead, any developers will be asked to contact H M Land Registry.

Will your information be used to make automated decisions


Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it.  You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong.

For detailed information about your rights please see the Cheshire East privacy notice.

Page last reviewed: 30 June 2022