Language - translate this site
We try to make our web pages simple and easy to read so that any translation is effective and easier to understand.
Browsealoud translate
Browsealoud translates web pages into 99 languages and can speak aloud 40 of those, in a high quality, natural sounding native voice.
Step1) Select the 'listen and translate' option in the website header.

Step 2) Select the translate icon in the Browsealoud toolbar.

Step 3) Select your chosen language from the list.

Google translate
Google Translate can also provide a translation of the Cheshire East website into your chosen language.
Google translate is a third party application that we can use but not control. Its use is subject to the rules and requirements set by Google.
Translated pages are not part of the Cheshire East website. It may not be possible to translate all the content within the Cheshire East website.
We provide links to this translation tool for your convenience. Cheshire East Council cannot be held accountable for any inaccuracies in the translation. By using this translation tool you, as the user, assume the risk of any errors or inaccuracies of relying on the translation. Cheshire East Council will not be responsible for any damages that may arise from using this translation tool.
Page last reviewed: 14 July 2023
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