Page last reviewed: 01 November 2021

Elections - 6 May 2021

On Thursday 6 May 2021 residents in Cheshire East went to the polls to have their say on who represents them at the Police and Crime Commissioner election. A small number of local by-elections will take place on the same day. The elections on 6 May 2021 were:

Elections 2021

Police and Crime Commissioner

Cheshire East Borough Council - 6 May 2021

Town and Parish Council Elections 2021

In addition, a small number of Neighbourhood Planning Referendums will take place on the same day.

Polling Stations will be open on 6 May between 7am to 10pm.


We have been preparing for Covid-safe elections and have taken steps to help you take part safely and confidently

We are putting arrangements in place to help you stay safe at the polling station if you choose to vote in person. Alternatively you can choose to vote by post and have a postal ballot pack sent to you at your home address.

Further information on preparations for these elections can be found on the Electoral Commission website.

Neighbourhood Planning Referendums 6 May 2021

How you can vote at the May 2021 elections

There are a number of ways to have your say - you can vote in a polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, known as a proxy vote.

If you have recently moved and are not already registered to vote, the easiest way to register is online at Register to Vote

To vote in any election in the UK, you must be registered to vote. The deadline to register was midnight on 19 April 2021.

How to register to vote

It takes 5 minutes to register and you can do this online at

If you're unable to register online, you can apply by post. You can download the relevant forms at 

If you were registered to vote in the last election and your details have not changed, you don’t need to take any action. If in doubt, you can check with us on 0300 123 5016.

How to apply to vote by post or proxy

To apply to vote by post you need to download, print and fill in a postal vote application form.
If you can’t print the form, contact the Electoral Services Team at Cheshire East Council by calling 0300 123 5016 so that a form can be posted to you.

Once you have completed the form and signed it, you can email scanned forms to or post them to the Electoral Services Team, Cheshire East Council, Macclesfield Town Hall, c/o Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe, CW1 2BJ. 

If you want to vote by post, you can apply to do this now. This will make sure your application is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you as early as possible.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote in was 5pm on 20 April 2021. 

If you are not able to vote in person, you can ask someone you trust to vote for you. This is called a proxy vote and the person is often referred to as your proxy.

To apply for a proxy vote, complete the form to vote by proxy, explaining why you can't get to your polling station in person. The person voting on your behalf can either go to your polling station to vote or can apply to vote for you by post.

The deadline to apply for a proxy vote was 5pm on 27 April 2021.

If you already have a postal or proxy vote arrangement in place, and your details have not changed, you don't need to take any action. If in doubt, you can check with us by calling 0300 123 5016.

Don’t forget that however you choose to vote, you must be registered first.

How we protect postal voting from fraud

When voting by post, you should mark your vote on the ballot paper in secret and seal the envelope yourself.

You will be asked to give your date of birth and signature when applying for a postal or proxy vote. When you return your postal voting pack you will again be asked for your signature and date of birth, and these will be checked against those you have already provided in order to confirm your identity.

Your signature and date of birth are separated from your ballot paper before it is looked at or counted, so giving this information will not affect the secrecy of your vote.

Page last reviewed: 01 November 2021