Page last reviewed: 19 March 2022

European Elections 2014 - Cheshire East Results

The results below are from the Cheshire East area only and are not the overall results for the North West region. For the North West region results visit the European Parliament website.

European election results 2014 - Cheshire East votes per party
PartyCheshire East VotesPercentage of Votes
An Independence from Europe 1,089 1.18%
British National Party
Re-elect Nick Griffin
1,117 1.21%
Conservative Party
For real change in Europe
30,893 33.36%
English Democrats
Putting England First!
1,022 1.10%
Green Party 6,976 7.53%
Labour Party 16,797 18.14%
Liberal Democrats 5,937 6.41%
Yes to Workers' Rights
217 0.23%
Pirate Party UK
The Pirate Party UK
438 0.47%
Socialist Equality Party
Join the fight for social equality!
171 0.18%
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 27,940 30.17%

The percentage turnout for the local counting area for Cheshire East Borough Council was 32.6%

Page last reviewed: 19 March 2022