Crewe and Nantwich Constituency

Result of the 4 July 2024 election

Connor James Naismith (Labour Party) elected.

Crewe and Nantwich Constituency results 2024
CandidateParty2024 Result
Browne, Te Ata Green Party icon Green Party 2,151
Fletcher, Ben Conservative Party icon The Conservative Party Candidate 11,110
Lane, Phil Independent Workers Party 373
Naismith, Connor James Labour Party icon Labour Party


Silvester, Brian George Independent Crewe First, Putting Crewe/Nantwich First 588
Theobald, Matthew Cameron liberal Democrats icon Liberal Democrats 2,286
Tractor, Lord Psychobilly Independent The Official Monster Raving Loony Party 250
Wood, Matt Independent Reform UK 9,602

Turnout: 60.36% 

Rejected Ballots: 140

Notice for persons nominated

See the constituency boundaries on a map.

Past results

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Previous results for 2019 General Election 

Kieran John Mullan (The Conservative Party Candidate) elected.

CandidateParty2019 Result
Browne, Te Ata green-party-icon Green Party  975
Kinsman, Andrew John Libertarian Party  149
Mullan, Kieran John Conservative The Conservative Party Candidate  28,704
Smith, Laura Labour Labour Party  20,196
Theobald, Matthew Cameron liberal democrat Liberal Democrat  2,618
Wood, Matt Brexit Party  1,390

Turnout: 67.42%

Rejected Ballots: 123

Previous results for 2015 General Election

  • Edward Timpson (Conservative) elected
Results for 2010 General Election
CandidateParty2015 Result
Heald, Adrian Hugh Labour Labour 18,825 
Lee, Richard Alan independent/UKIP UKIP 7,252
Timpson, Edward Conservative Conservative 22,445 (e)
Wood, Roy John liberal democrat Liberal Democrat 1,374

Turnout: 67.56%

Rejected Ballots: 213 

Previous Results for 2010 General Election

Results for 2010 General Election
CandidateParty2010 Result% Vote
Clutton, James Raymond Independent UK Independence Party 1,414 2.8
Parsons, Mike Independent Independent 177 0.3
Timpson, Anthony Edward Conservative Icon Conservative 23,420 45.8
Williams, David Andrew Labour Icon Labour 17,374 34.0
Williams,Phillip Independent British National Party 1,043 2.0
Wood, Roy John Liberal Democrat Icon Liberal Democrat 7,656 15.0

Turnout: 66% (+6% on 2005 Result)
Rejected Ballots: 49

You can find out more more details of the Crewe and Nantwich Constituency Statement as to the situation of Polling Stations (PDF, 230KB).

Previous results for 2005 General Election

Previous Results
NamePartyVotes% Votes+/- %
Ann Winterton Conservative Conservative 21,189 45.4 -0.9
Nicholas Milton Labour Labour 12,943 27.7 -2.8
Eleanor Kay liberal democrat Liberal Democrat 12,550 26.9 +5.3

Turnout: 64.2%

Majority: 17.7%

Swing: 0.9% from Labour to Conservative

Previous Results - 2008 By-Election

These results are for the 2008 by-election which was held due to the death of the previous MP Gwyneth Dunwoody who represented the Labour Party.

Previous Results - 2008 By-Election
NamePartyVotes% Votes
Edward Timpson Conservative Icon Conservative 20,539 49.21
Tamsin Dunwoody Labour Icon Labour 12,679 30.50
Elizabeth Shenton Liberal Democrat Icon Liberal Democrat 6,040 14.53
Mike Natrass Independent UK Independence Party 922 2.22
Robert Smith Independent Green Party 359 0.86
David Roberts Independent English Democrats 275 0.66
Nick Delves Independent Monster Raving Looney Party 236 0.57
Mark Walklate   217 0.52
Paul Thorogood Independent CTOPAD 118 0.28
Gemma Garret   113 0.27

Turnout: 60.0%

Majority: 16.3%

Swing: 3.8% from Labour to Conservative.

Contact Electoral Services

0300 123 5016

Electoral Services
Macclesfield Town Hall
C/O Municipal Buildings

Earle Street

Page last reviewed: 05 July 2024