Page last reviewed: 23 December 2024

Polling district review 2024

The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 introduced a change to the timing for all relevant authorities to conduct a review of the designated polling districts and polling places for Parliamentary constituencies. 

The review will enable the council to seek to ensure that all electors have, as far as practicable, reasonable facilities for voting.

Cheshire East Council hereby gives notice that a review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations in the borough will take place over the next few weeks. This will include those in the Parliamentary constituencies of Macclesfield, Congleton, Tatton, Crewe and Nantwich, Cheshire South and Eddisbury and Mid Cheshire.

The Boundary Commission review

The Boundary Commission is currently conducting a review of Cheshire East Council’s electoral arrangements which will ultimately affect the Council’s polling arrangements. The Commission expects to have undertaken their review and to publish the final recommendations by 13 May 2025, with the final Order expected in the summer of 2025.  It is therefore proposed that Cheshire East Council will undertake a further detailed review of its polling districts, places and stations following the conclusion of the Boundary Commission review, for which there will be a further period of consultation. The council has now decided that it will consult upon it’s preferred option of making no changes at this time to its existing polling district, place and station arrangements, until such time as the boundary review is concluded.


The consultation period has now closed. A summary of the responses received can be viewed below. All feedback will be reviewed and the outcome will be published in due course.

Current polling districts and stations

A list of current polling stations and their relevant polling districts (xlsx, 20KB)

See current polling districts and polling stations on our mapping service.

Page last reviewed: 23 December 2024