Page last reviewed: 02 September 2024

Best Fit Services for Cheshire East

Some of your services are now being delivered by other providers. These companies are Council-owned and controlled and will continue to put residents first. They will be free to operate in different ways that will mean we can deliver more for less.

Our companies are:

Tatton Enterprises Limited: This is a company owned and controlled by the Council set up to provide high-quality catering for visitors at Tatton Park – including running the Stables Restaurant and the Gardener's Cottage. Cheshire East Council manages the park on behalf of the National Trust. Tatton Park is the jewel in the crown of Cheshire East and is a huge tourist attraction.

Find out more about what Tatton Enterprises do.

Ansa: This is a company owned and controlled by the Council to deliver our environmental services, making sure our streets are clean and our bins are emptied efficiently and on time. We take pride in how our streets, parks and gardens look and this company will continue to deliver excellent services on behalf of the Council.

Find out more about Ansa.

Everybody Health and Leisure: This is a charitable trust set up to deliver our leisure services so that everyone can stay fit and healthy using the latest equipment and techniques. The trust is a not-for-profit body that will ensure leisure services provide best value to you, our residents.

Find out more about Everybody Health and Leisure.

Our 'Best Fit' Approach

Local government is going through an unprecedented period of change. Cost pressure and the rising expectations mean that we must constantly look for ways to improve our services while delivering value for money. "We must do more for less".

In responding to this challenge, we're doing things differently. Cheshire East has become a 'commissioning council', more strategic and focussed on service excellence – putting residents first. As a commissioning council we're constantly looking for the best way to deliver services for the residents of Cheshire East – we call this 'Best Fit'.

Our 'Best Fit' approach means that we look at each service and decide the best way to deliver it. For each service there are a range of options, from outsourcing, where we employ an external provider, to in-house delivery, where council staff deliver the service directly. For certain services the 'Best Fit' has been to create businesses, owned and controlled by the Council. We also created an independent charitable trust to run our leisure centres and our sports and play development service.

Delivering our services in different ways also means a better deal for the staff who work hard to deliver services to our residents and customers. We're putting in place organisations with longevity, developing robust businesses that should offer longer-term job security in the rapidly changing landscape of local government today.

Page last reviewed: 02 September 2024