Cheshire East Council Constitution

Cheshire East Council Constitution details how the Council works, how decisions are made, the procedures which will be followed and where to find information about the council.

Cheshire East Council Constitution index

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Chapter 1 – index

Introduction, Summary and Explanation

Introduction, Summary and Explanation
Purpose of the Constitution Page 5
The Council Page 5
Councillors Page 5
How the Council makes decisions Page 6
Principles of decision-making Page 6
The Council’s Staff/Employees Page 7
Rights of residents and the public Page 7
Role of the Mayor and Chair of the Council Page 8
The Mayoralty Code of Practice Page 9
Who may become Mayor or Deputy Mayor Page 9
Review of the Constitution Page 9

Chapter 2 - index

Responsibility for Functions

Chapter 2 - index
Committee Structure Page 5
Introduction to decision making Page 6
Functions of the Full Council Page 7-8
Policy Framework Page 8
Budget Page 8
Appointment to Outside Organisations Page 8
Functions of Committees Page 10
Corporate Policy Committee Page 10-12
Finance Sub-Committee Page 12-13
Staffing Appeals Sub-Committee Page 13
General Appeals Sub-Committee Page 13-14
Community Governance Review Sub-Committee Page 14
Constitution Working Group Page 14-15
Environment and Communities Committee Page 15-16
Economy and Growth Committee Page 16
Highways and Transport Committee Page 17-18
Children and Families Committee Page 18-19
Cared for Children and Care Leavers Committee (formerly the Corporate Parenting Committee) Page 19-20
Health and Adults Committee Page 20-21
Cheshire East Section 75 Joint Committee Page 21-22
Scrutiny Committee Page 22
Planning and Development Control Page 22-23
Strategic Planning Board Page 23-24
Northern and Southern Planning Committees Page 24-26
Licensing Page 26-28
Appointments Committee Page 28-29
Investigation and Disciplinary Committee (IDC) Page 29-30
Independent Persons Panel Page 30-31
Audit and Governance Committee Page 31-35
Hearing Sub-Committee Page 36
Independent Remuneration Panel Page 36-37
Cheshire East Statutory Health and Wellbeing Board (CEHWB) Page 37-44
Shared Services Joint Committee Page 44-46
Officer Delegations - Scheme of Delegation Page 47-77

Chapter 3 - index

Procedure Rules

Chapter 3 - Index
Rules of Procedure - Council Meetings Page 4-16
Committee and Sub-Committee Procedure Rules Page 17-22
Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules Page 23-25
General Provisions Page 26-30
Public Speaking and Questions Page 31
Access to Information Procedure Rules Page 32-39
Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules Page 40-47
Finance Procedure Rules (FPRs) Page 48-82
Contract Procedure Rules Page 83-102
Employment Procedure Rules Page 103-106

Chapters 4-7 - index

Chapter 4 Codes and Protocols

Chapters 4-7 - index
Councillor Code of Conduct Page 5-19
Officer Code of Conduct Page 20-33
Councillor / Officer Protocol Page 34-44
Councillors’ Planning Code of Conduct Page 45-53
Whistleblowing Policy Page 54

Chapter 5 Scheme of Councillors’ Allowances

Chapters 4-7 - index
Scheme of Councillors’ Allowances Page 56-69

Chapter 6 Glossary

Chapters 4-7 - index
Glossary Page 70-80

Chapter 7 List of Associated Documents

Chapters 4-7 - index
List of Associated Documents Page 81-82

Previous editions of the constitution

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Page last reviewed: 21 June 2024