New applications for town and village greens

You may be able to apply to register land as common land or as a town or village green if you can show that it has been consistently used for sports and recreation for at least the last 20 years. You cannot apply to register land if it is earmarked for potential development in the planning system.

The law around this subject is particularly complex and the procedure can be very long. Landowners do have the power to voluntarily dedicate land as a village green, which is a simpler process.  We will help as much as possible to clarify the process, but we cannot give legal advice to applicants or landowners affected by applications.  

This is not a quick process and has no specific target period for determination.

Before submitting an application you are advised to view the guidance provided on the Gov.UK website.

There is no charge when you apply. But, if there are objections, the decision may go to a public inquiry and the applicant may have to cover any costs.

As part of the application process, we are required to make the applicant's name and address public via notice.

View our privacy notice for further information.

Current applications for town or village green status

An application has been made to register Sandfield Wood, Knutsford as a town or village green, under the Commons Act 2006. The application land is in Knutsford WA16 9BG.

The public notice with details on where you can view the application, can be viewed on the Statutory Public Notices page. 

Page last reviewed: 28 February 2025