Page last reviewed: 09 September 2024

Cheshire East Council's Budget Book 2016/17

Details of service budgets are available in the Council’s Budget Book for 2016/17. These PDF documents are updated periodically throughout the year to reflect changes to service budgets which have been agreed in line with the Finance and Contract Procedure Rules. 

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Budget Book 2016/17 – April 2016

This version of the Budget Book reflects the 2016/17 Budget approved by Council on 25 February 2016 as updated for the ongoing restructuring of the Council.

Introduction and Summary Budget Book (PDF, 481KB) provides summary tables showing the Council's revenue and capital budgets. 

Detailed Service Budgets Book (PDF, 584KB) The document provides detailed analyses of service revenue and capital budgets. Revenue budgets are analysed down to the sub-division of service level in the organisational structure, and also across types of expenditure and income (e.g. employees, supplies and services, grants). Updated budgets and forecasts for new and ongoing individual Capital projects are also shown.  

Cheshire East Council Corporate Plan 2016-2020

Cheshire East Council met on 25 February 2016 and agreed the new Corporate Plan 2016-2020.  Progress against the Plan will be monitored in quarterly reports to Cabinet, showing the performance of the Council and how priorities are being managed to achieve the best outcomes for local residents. The new Corporate Plan has formed the basis for developing proposals within the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Cheshire East Council Efficiency Plan 2017-2020

The Council’s financial plans focus on meeting increasing demand for expenditure on services, particularly in social care, with a strategy of local taxation and tax base growth alongside efficiency and productivity savings. This efficiency plan outlines how the Council will arrange delivery of services to residents, during the period 2017 - 2020 whilst managing reductions of £50m in government grant and increases in demographic and cost inflation pressures of similar value.

Cheshire East Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-2019

Cheshire East Council met on 25 February 2016 and agreed the Medium Term Financial Strategy Report for 2016/17 to 2018/19.

The report sets out the Council’s plans, and the required funding, to put residents first and ensure Cheshire East remains one of the best places to live in the North West.

Section 1 sets out the strategic overview for each outcome and more details of the actions each service area will be taking over the next three years to deliver the refreshed Corporate Plan Outcomes. These include:

  • additional enforcement capacity for fly tipping
  • savings in fair trading and advice
  • providing additional capacity to match the Council’s priorities for investing in economic growth
  • providing a further £1m to support the Local Plan and planning appeals
  • funding increasing childcare placements
  • investing in early intervention
  • managing increases in care provider fees of £3.9m, which includes achieving minimum wage standards for care professionals
  • reviewing care packages and maximising independence
  • reviewing community alarms
  • continuing to make substantial efficiency savings from support functions.

Section 2 of the report sets out how the Council’s expenditure will be funded from Government grants, Business Rates and Council Tax. This includes details of the 3.75% increase in Council Tax for 2016/17.

The annexes to the report provide supporting information including line by line detail of the grants, policy changes and capital schemes that have been agreed as part of the Budget package. The latest Reserves Strategy is also provided.

The Medium Term Financial Strategy was considered by Cabinet on 9 February 2016 and recommended to Council. 

The final local government finance settlement was announced on 8February 2016 and resulted in some temporary transitional funding for the Council. As a result Cabinet had received a further report at their meeting of 23 February 2016 to confirm the approach to this transitional grant.

Councillor Peter Groves, Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, introduced the Medium Term Financial Strategy report at Council and noted several changes arising from the final local government finance settlement (as covered in the additional report to Cabinet), two other funding announcements and the impact on the report.

All these issues are reflected in the updated report provided above.

Cheshire East Council Pre-Budget Report 2016/17

Cheshire East Council has issued its Pre-Budget Report setting out proposals for change for 2016/17.

This report provides stakeholders with the opportunity to understand the strategy behind the 2016/2017 Budget proposals.

The report contains an update on the Budget Setting process, as well as providing a summary of proposed changes to the current budget, and how this may affect services in the future.

Proposals in the report are focused on delivering the Council’s residents first outcomes.Budget book graphic

Outcome 1 – Our local communities are strong and supportive

  • Individuals and families are self-reliant and take personal responsibility for their quality of life.
  • Communities are cohesive, with a strong sense of neighbourliness. There is genuine civic pride and mutual respect.

Outcome 2 – Cheshire East has a strong and resilient economy

Cheshire East is the place where people mean business – investing in the building blocks that will allow business to grow, ensuring we have the right skills and promoting opportunities for investment. Working together we will create prosperity for all!

Outcome 3 – People have the life skills and education they need in order to thrive

Children and young people get a good start in life, and are prepared for the world of work. Everyone is equipped to live independent, self-sufficient lives, and to realise their particular talents and abilities.

Outcome 4 – Cheshire East is a green and sustainable place

Cheshire East’s rural and urban character is protected and enhanced through sensitive development, environmental management, transport and waste disposal policies.

Outcome 5 – People live well and for longer

Local people have healthy lifestyles and access to good cultural, leisure and recreational facilities. Care services focus on prevention, early intervention and physical and mental wellbeing.

We also have an outcome for A Responsible, Effective and Efficient Organisation.

Between November 2015 and 15th February 2016, councillors, businesses, schools, unions and council staff were able to have their say on the budget proposals.

Budget setting process video

Details of the Budget Setting Process can be viewed on the video below.

Page last reviewed: 09 September 2024