Cheshire East Council's medium term financial strategy 2020-2024

Cheshire East Council met on 20 February 2020 and agreed the Medium Term Financial Strategy Report for 2020/21 to 2023/24.

The report provides detailed information on the issues facing the Council in the medium term and shows how these are being addressed to present a balanced financial position for the 2020/21 financial year.

The MTFS appendix (PDF, 4MB) to the report entitled the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-24 features:

  • An Executive Summary from the Finance, IT and Communication Portfolio Holder
  • The detailed Medium Term Financial Strategy Report

Section 1 sets out the strategic overview for each outcome and more details of the actions each service area will be taking over the next four years to continue to deliver the Corporate Plan Outcomes. 

Section 2 of the report sets out how the Council’s expenditure will be funded from Government grants, Business Rates and Council Tax. This includes details of the 3.99% increase in Council Tax for 2020/21 (including 2% ring-fenced specifically for Adult Social Care).

The annexes to the report provide supporting information including line by line detail of the grants, policy changes and capital schemes that have been agreed as part of the Budget package. The latest Reserves Strategy, Investment Strategy and Treasury Management is also provided.

If you require an accessible version of the MTFS Appendix please contact

Pre-Budget Consultation

We have issued our Pre-Budget Consultation setting out proposals for change for the period 2020/21 to 2023/24.

You can also view interactive starting the conversation

This is an opportunity for interested parties to review and comment on the Council’s Budget proposals. The budget proposals described in this consultation document are Council wide proposals and our intention at this stage is to invite consultation on the broad budget proposals.

We intend to undertake full and proper consultation with people who may be affected by individual budget proposals.

Have your say on the budget proposals

Between 1 November 2019 and 6 January 2020, residents, councillors, businesses, schools, unions and council staff will be able to have their say on the budget proposals.

The document contains a number of questions, providing people with an opportunity to give feedback on the various proposals. An on-line survey can be completed or you can give feedback by speaking to your local Councillor 

You can attach any comments, queries or other responses, such as alternative ideas for savings to the survey - all responses will be captured and reported to Cabinet Members and Council.

When submitting a response or comment include your name, organisation (if applicable) and contact details.

Page last reviewed: 17 June 2024