Page last reviewed: 15 March 2023

Annual reports of the Director of Public Health

Executive summary of 2022 annual report


This year, the Director of Public Health annual report aims to

  • Highlight the impact of climate change on health, wellbeing and health inequalities
  • Show how we can respond to the effects of climate change
  • Outline Cheshire East’s leadership role in making the borough carbon neutral
  • Provide recommendations to continue to tackle climate change and health inequalities

Health impacts of climate change

Climate change has many impacts on our physical health and mental wellbeing. They can result in illness, death, and peoples’ ability to access services.

Rising sea levels, less freshwater, and safe water availability, can result in changing patterns of infections, reduced pollination and crop failure leading to food shortages and poor air quality (leading to increase allergens and lung diseases).

There can be livelihood loss, rising prices of food and fuel, supply chain disruption, pressure on health and care services, conflict or forced migration.

Climate change does not affect everyone equally. By reforming our approach to health and social care, we can reap the benefits of living longer, healthier and happy lives.

Cheshire East response

The council declared an environment and climate emergency in May 2019.

We are committed to becoming a carbon neutral council by 2025 and a carbon neutral borough by 2045, strengthening the commitment to our residents in the borough.

We explain our plans, and actions already taken to combat climate change in the full report.

As part of our recovery from the pandemic, it is important to build on the positive changes we have seen, such as the choice to work from home, enhancing local opportunities for active travel and the reduction in traffic and air pollution.

Previous years' reports


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Page last reviewed: 15 March 2023