LGA Corporate Peer Challenge in March 2024

Cheshire East Council invited the Local Government Association to undertake a corporate peer challenge of the council in March 2024. The peer challenge report for Cheshire East Council has now been published:

The peer team heard of good examples of services that are appreciated by residents and that there is a real will for improvement in the organisation. They recognised that the council urgently needs to focus on significant challenges, including the financial position and longer-term transformation.

The peer challenge provides valuable insight as part of this evidence base to guide the organisation’s plans for transformation and improvement.


The report contains 18 recommendations which prioritise

  • financial stability
  • organisational capacity
  • transformation and improvement.

It also highlights the need for clear communication and engagement with residents and clarity around decision-making and scrutiny. It is important that the council’s systems and processes are focused on the council’s vision, priorities and the outcomes it has committed to delivering.

Action plan

An action plan is being developed to address the peer challenge recommendations. The draft action plan will be published as part of the agenda pack for Full Council on 17 July 2024

As of time of publication, work is already well advanced in a number of key areas to address the recommendations, including: 

  • Development of the transformation plan
  • Agreement to develop a new multi-year council plan (corporate plan)
  • Review of implementation of ERP system (Unit4)

We will provide updates on the development and delivery of the action plan as we make progress.

Page last reviewed: 08 July 2024