Page last reviewed: 28 March 2022

How you can get involved in Scrutiny

The council's Scrutiny Committee has a work programme that sets out the work it plans to undertake each year. The committee itself is responsible for maintaining and agreeing its work programme through regular review, which will take into consideration information from the council and relevant partners on forthcoming policy development and service plans, as well as suggestions from councillors and members of the public.

Cheshire East Council’s Scrutiny Committee welcomes suggestions from people who live, work or study in Cheshire East along with local businesses, schools, colleges, and voluntary or community groups for topics of inquiry that could be considered as part of its work programmes.

Any topics proposed in the work programmes must meet the following criteria:

  • It must relate to the remit of the committee.
  • It must directly affect a group of people living or working within the Borough.
  • It must relate to a service, event or issue in which the Council has a significant stake or over which the Council has an influence.
  • It must have a clearly defined outcome. 

The Scrutiny Committee cannot accept topic suggestions that relate to the following matters:

  • Any issue that it, or one of its sub-committees or working groups, has considered during the last twelve months.
  • Any issue that relates to an individual service complaint or a specific individual.
  • Any issue that is incompatible with the principles of the council’s equality policy.
  • An issue before the courts.
  • Any issue that relates to matters dealt with by another committee of the council.

The Scrutiny Committee cannot guarantee that it will investigate every suggestion but would welcome and consider all views, comments and suggestions made. If you would like to suggest an issue or topic for consideration, or have any queries or questions, please contact us.


By phone on: 01270 686465

By post to:

Overview and Scrutiny
Delamere House
Delamere Street

Observing scrutiny meetings

Meetings of the council’s Scrutiny Committee are open to the public to observe, unless considering confidential or exempt information. Copies of the agendas and minutes are available on this website, local libraries or from the council’s offices.

If you want to raise an individual service complaint, you should use the Council's complaints procedure

Page last reviewed: 28 March 2022