Page last reviewed: 01 October 2021

The hydrogen project

Bringing green hydrogen fuel to Cheshire East

We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and becoming a carbon neutral council by 2025.

This means significantly reducing the carbon in our energy and fuel use, including from our refuse collection vehicle fleet.

Working with partners, we are piloting the single site production, storage and use of hydrogen for our refuse vehicles.

The hydrogen project is running for three years and is a partnership with Storengy UK – who are providing the technical expertise on hydrogen – and involving Ansa Environmental Services, who manage and deliver our waste collection services.

The project has been partially funded through the Local Growth Fund, (funding provided by the Department of Business, Energy and the Industrial Strategy). This funding is administered by the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership.

The hydrogen project – a summary

RCV in profile

 The purpose of the hydrogen project is not only to reduce carbon now, but also to get used to using hydrogen as a cleaner, greener fuel in the future. Moving to cleaner fuels such as hydrogen will also bring benefits locally through improved air quality – a priority in our corporate plan which is based on our vision to be an open, fair and green council.

Through this project we will also support the emerging hydrogen economy – which will provide jobs and growth for the future.

Hydrogen is suited to heavier and long-range vehicles, such as our refuse collection vehicles. Initially, we have converted two refuse vehicles to become hydrogen hybrid vehicles, using a blended mix of hydrogen and diesel, significantly reducing the amount of diesel used on their collection rounds.

Storengy UK have also converted one of their small vans which will visit the site weekly for maintenance and refuelling.

The equipment required for the hydrogen project, which includes an electrolyser to make our own hydrogen and the first hydrogen refuelling station in the North West of England, will be placed at our Environmental Hub in Middlewich – a purpose-built, state-of-the art facility where Ansa manage the collection of the borough’s waste.

More information

Detailed information on the hydrogen project

Storengy green hydrogen

If you have any questions about the hydrogen project, email

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Page last reviewed: 01 October 2021